Wir haben für euch die Fakten zum Intercontinental Cup 2006 an dem sich die vier europäischen Topteams (u.a. auch der Deutsche Meister Frankfurt Syndicate) mit den vier NXL Topteams messen dürfen. Der Intercontinental Cup wird im Zuge des PSP World Cups am 7.11.2006 in Orlando, Florida abgehalten. Hier die Fakten:
Hello teams,
the following teams have qualified for Intercontinental Cup 2006 and will play the top NXL teams at Tuesday, November 7th in Orlando, Florida at World
1. Toulouse Tontons
2. Joy Stockholm
3. Oslo Menace
4. Frankfurt Syndicate
For your information:
Xball format and rules, not CPL rules
Game time: 15 minutes
Coin toss to determine sides
One time-out per team per match
Teams switch starting stations after every 3 points scored First team to score 5 points wins If regulation time in a match ends in a tie, the match will be extended into overtime (cf rules attached) Penalties (cf rules attached)
Layout for the Intercontinental Cup will be different than for the NXL event
Teams will have to use their 2006 locked rosters The 2006 CPL locked team rosters are available on the millennium web site at the following address: http://www.millennium-series.com/roster.htm
will be held on Sunday
Additional info:
The Millennium Series will take care of the Intercontinental Cup, the four qualified teams need not to pay an entry fee. Additionally the Millennium Series will pay the entry fee for the four qualified teams in Division I (X-Ball), so the teams will not only play on Tuesday, but can take part in the regular tournament as well. However, the PSP has decided, to not allow rostered players of the four European teams qualified for Intercontinental Cup, to register with OTHER teams. So the players of the four top European teams will either play with their regular teams in Division I for free, OR not at all at World Cup.
Please confirm, that your team want to take part at Intercontinental Cup and Division I X-Ball. If you don't want to take part, the Millennium Series will nominate another team. I expect your confirmation til Monday, October 2nd 18:00, so we can start promotion for the first Intercontinental Cup next week. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.
Have a nice weekend,
There will be a 2-minute timeout followed by a 3-minute overtime period.
The first team to score a point in the overtime period wins the match.
If an overtime period ends without a team scoring a point, there will a 60-second
timeout and the teams will play a 60-second one-on-one overtime period.
Each team will select one player to take the field who has not already
played a one-on-one overtime game in the current match.
The first team to score a point or eliminate the other team in the one-on-one
Overtime period wins the match.
If a team receives a penalty, the opposing team wins the match.
If a one-on-one overtime period ends without a team winning the match,
another 60-second one-on-one overtime period will be played following a 60
second timeout.
If a team does not have any players who have not already played a oneon-
one overtime game in the current match, that team will lose the match. If
Both teams do not have any such players, the team with the highest seed
Going into the match will win the match. Staffs are NOT eligible to play!
A player who receives a penalty is eliminated.
If there are two or more active players left on the penalized player’s team and
there are more than 90 seconds remaining in the match or overtime period, the player
closest to the penalized player is also eliminated and placed in the penalty box to serve
the penalty.
If the team has less than two active players left, or the penalty is a major or gross
penalty assessed in the final 90 seconds of a match or overtime period17,
If a game is in progress, the game ends immediately, and
The opposing team scores one point, and
The penalized player is placed in the penalty box.
If a player is penalized when there are already 3 players from that player’s team in
the penalty box:
If a game is in progress, the game ends immediately.
Of the four penalties, the penalty with the least time remaining will end and the
remaining three players will be placed in the box at the start of the next game.20
The opposing team scores a point.
If both teams receive penalties that would cause their opponent to score a point, the
points offset each other to the extent possible.
If a penalty is assessed before or between games, it must be served at the start of the next
A MINOR penalty is 1 minute long.
A DOUBLE MINOR is two consecutive minor penalties.
A MAJOR penalty is 3 minutes long.
A GROSS penalty is 5 minutes long.
A player who receives a gross penalty may not play for the next 10 minutes of game
time. This carries over to the next match the player plays in, even if the match is in the
next round or a different tournament. If the player receiving the gross penalty would
normally be placed in the penalty box, the team must select another player to serve the
player’s penalty.
Penalty time begins running when the player serving the penalty enters23 the penalty box.
Penalty time does not run between games.
If an opposing team scores a point while a team has a player serving a minor penalty, the
minor penalty with the least time remaining will end