The Millennium Series is pleased to announce the following dates for the 2009 series.
April 24th – 26th Fuengirola Beach, Malaga, Spain
May 29th – 31st London or Germany – Venue confirmation shortly
July 3rd – 5th France – Venue confirmation shortly
Sept 11th – 13th Germany or London – Venue confirmation shortly
Oct 16th – 18th Venue confirmation shortly
Final agreements with venues should be completed shortly after Christmas and will be confirmed at the earliest possible time.
Toulouse Tontons are back!
After a one year break, winning the Centurio Series and the Balkans Cup, the Tontons are back in Millennium CPL. The 5 times Millennium champions (2006, 2004, 2003, 2002, 1999) will replace for the CPL season 2009 the London Shockwave.