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11. Juli 2007

Virtue Russian Legion Shocker Board

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 21:57

Das neue Russian Legion Shocker Board von Virtue steht kurz vor der Veröffentlichung. Wir haben ein erstes Promo Video mit allen Features für euch:

// By use of this code snippet, I agree to the Brightcove Publisher T and C // found at var config = new Array(); /* * feel free to edit these configurations * to modify the player experience */ config[„videoId“] = null; //the default video loaded into the player config[„videoRef“] = null; //the default video loaded into the player by ref id specified in console config[„lineupId“] = null; //the default lineup loaded into the player config[„playerTag“] = null; //player tag used for identifying this page in brightcove reporting config[„autoStart“] = true; //tells the player to start playing video on load config[„preloadBackColor“] = „#FFFFFF“; //background color while loading the player /* * set the player's size using the parameters below * to make this player dynamically resizable, set the width and height as a percentage */ config[„width“] = 486; config[„height“] = 412; /* do not edit these config items */ config[„playerId“] = 1078966309; createExperience(config, 8);

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