Paintball 2000 | Paintball-News Das Paintball Magazin

24. Juni 2006

Shottimer BPS Messgerät

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 09:45

Zu einem Preis von 89$ bekommt man folgende Features:



16×2 Character Alpha numeric LCD Display

Adjustable LCD Contrast

The Range is 4 inches to 3 feet, depending on the loudness of the marker

Displays Fastest ROF in Milliseconds And Balls Per Second

Displays Average ROF and Slowest ROF in Balls Per Second

25 Shot Memory, Displays the BPS of each of the first 25 shots

Low Battery Indicator

10 Minute Power Save

99min Game Timer (example: 1:30)

Upgradeable Firmware With Removable Chip

Most Accurate Way Of Timing ROF For The Use Of Paintball Markers

Operates off of 1, 9 Volt Battery (Battery Included)

ShotTimer(TM) is used to measure the time between shots fired by a paintball marker. ShotTimer(TM) can also be used to test your shooting ability and allows you to look at the Fastest MS/BPS, Slowest BPS, Average BPS, and stores the BPS of up to 25 shots in memory. ShotTimer(TM) is the most accurate way of measuring the ROF of paintball markers. Referees can use ShotTimer(TM) to time ROF of markers before/during games and also time paintball games (like a stopwatch).

For more information you can go to or




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