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31. Mai 2004

Redz Hurricanes – Background des Ramping Vorfall

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 18:40 hat mit Carmen Borgia (Teamcaptain der Redz Hurricanes) gesprochen, nachdem diese beim NPPL Super 7 Series Event in Tampa disqualifiziert wurden. Der Grund dafür war eine DYE DM4, welche mit einem Ramping Board ausgestattet war und einen Spieler der sich mit diesem Markierer erwischen ließ.

Hier der Text:
The ramping incident at the NPPL Tampa event on May 22 turns out to not be an accident after all. Carmen Borgia, Captain of the Redz Hurricanes has told that since the incident, some members of the team have decided to come clean about what really happened.

“I wanted to face this issue dead on,” said Carmen. “We're embarrassed and upset.”

Hurricane player Rob Landry submitted a personal apology to the team, admitting that he knew the DM4 had a ramp board.

“To be honest, I was ignorant in the fact that I could get caught,” said Rob in the letter. “I don't own a gun right now, so I tried to get the best gun possible for the event.”

Rob continued his apology saying that he only wanted to have the best marker to give him every edge for the competition, and his drive to be the best blinded his judgement.

“I know I've cost Redz and the team a lot of money and respect,” he added. “I don't know what I can do, except express my apology. I take full blame for us getting disqualified.”

Not only did the disqualification cause the team to lose a bunch of money, but there are valuable series points that are lost as well. Now the team will be forced to go to a Millennium Series event if they want to stay in the running for the series.

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