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2. April 2005

PSP Young Guns

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 11:27

Die PSP schreibt sich Nachwuchsförderung auf die Fahnen und veranstaltet ein Nachwuchs Turnier parallel zum PSP Orlando Event. Für 300$ Startgebühr können sich 24 „Young Guns Teams“ untereinadnerer messen. Die Teams dürfen maximal einen Div3 Spieler aufstellen. Die Preise reichen von Freipaint bis zu einem Geldpreis. Eine Pressemeldung dazu lautet:The PSP is introducing a new Young Guns tournament in conjunction with the PSP Orlando event. „We are very excited to announce the addition of our Young Guns Tournament to our Orlando Open line-up. It will be a great opportunity for our younger players to get involved in a world-class event,“ said Keely Watson.Gain valuable tournament experience without having to compete against sandbaggers!Paintball Sports Promotions is excited to announce the addition of our new Young Guns Tournament to be held on Sunday, April 24th at the 2005 Orlando Open at Disney’s Wide World of Sports. Players will be given the opportunity to showcase their skills at this world-class event. This is a great opportunity for our young and up-and-coming players to get some great experience and we hope it will also bring in a fresh new group of players to the PSP team.Our Young Guns Tournament will be a 5-Man event open to players 15 years of age and younger with little or no tournament experience. Each team is limited to having only one DIII player. The event will be capped at 24 teams with an entry fee of $300. Teams will play a round-robin format through the prelims with the top three scoring teams moving directly to the finals. Prizes will be as follows:•1st – 5-Man DIII entry to the 2005 World Cup and ten cases of paint to be used at that event.•2nd – 5-Man DIII entry to the 2005 World Cup•3rd – $300 CashTo register or for more information please visit us on the web at Good luck to everyone and we will see you in Orlando!

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