Paintball 2000 | Paintball-News Das Paintball Magazin

11. Januar 2008

PSP Regelanpassung

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 13:33

Keely Watson hat sich bereits folgendermaßen dazu geäußert:

Paintball Sports Promotions has updated the rules concerning markers and rate of fire for the 2008 Season. Beginning today, the rules will be as follows:

7.3.6. A marker may fire at a maximum rate of 13.33 balls per second. A player on the field of play during a game whose marker shoots more than one paintball within 65 milliseconds will receive a gross penalty. A player on the field of play during a game whose marker shoots more than one paintball within 70 milliseconds will be assessed a major penalty. A player on the field of play during a game whose marker shoots more than one paintball within 75 milliseconds* will be assessed a minor penalty.

* A measurement of 75.0 milliseconds or higher is acceptable. A measurement of 74.9 milliseconds or lower will be penalized.

We will be updating our rule book on the PSP website shortly. For more information about PSP rules and the upcoming season please visit

~Keely Watson
Paintball Sports Promotions

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