PGi 214: The Super Duper World Cup Special Issue
“I dabble a little in bear wrestling. The best way to beat a grizzly is to get on its back and use my patented fish hook move.”
Any idea which player enjoys jumping bears? No? Well then, you need to ask Santa Claus for issue 214 of paintball's best-loved monthly, which has bucketloads of non-grizzly action to get ya' teeth into as well. So if you want to read about the Legion's masterful destruction of everyone else at World Cup, Kellys' surge to the Millennium CPL, a ref's view of what's wrong with the game, reviews of four top markers as well as interviews with paintball goddesses Keely Watson and Camille Baker, you better hope you've been a good boy and the latest copy of PGi is sat at the end of your bed on crimbo morn. If you've been bad, then get off ya backside and get down to the shops… NOW! Oh, and Merry Christmas.
Edit: Thanks to the new intern for writing this so we could get to the pub faster. We owe you one Brian.
Kellys Heroes
Kellys' capitano Steve Brown talks to PGi about gaining promotion to the CPL, a boy named Pebbles and brotherly love…
Caught in the Crossfire
Pro ref Andrew Farley speaks up for the whistle happy paintball cops and asks you nasty boys not to swear at him so much. Potty mouths
Drill Time!
Practice made easy with Miami Raiders coach Paul Richards' cut out and keep guide to off-season drills
Two Hand Luke
Hostile Kids' Alex Cadalso admits to playing 'let's pretend' in the hope of turning you into a double-handed killing machine
Surf and Turf
We speak to NPPL bigwigs Bart Walkerdine and Camille 'hubba hubba' Baker about reffing, carpet and their visions for the future
Super Duper World Cup Special
Boston Legion tear it up in Orlando to take home the World Cup. Plus, Masters Division and Incontinence Cup reports and Rocky Knuth interview
Face to Face
Robbo chats to PSP babe Keely Watson about life, love and Lane
Is technology a good thing for paintball or does it just provide more opportunities for the game's rule dodgers?
On Test
Planet Ego7, Spyder VS3, DM7 and the HK Legend