Mit der "The Back Stabbing Issue" ist die 212. Ausgabe der PGi in den Läden:

PGi 212: The Back Stabbing Issue
"Everyone says Rich Telford is a good captain. That's the biggest load of bulls**t I've ever heard."
If you wanna find out who's just incurred the wrath of Rich, then get off your hiney and pick up a copy of the latest issue of PGi. Not only will you find out who will soon be receiving a thorough thump on the noggin from Richimus Maximus, you'll also find a magazine choc-full of star interviews, insightful analysis and lots and lots of techy goodness.
So what else can you expect to find this month?
Show Me The Money
PGi plays ringmaster as Glenn Takemoto, Rusty Glaze, Rich Telford and Devin Duncan air their views on the XSV fall-out.
Seeing Redz
We talk to Redz Head honcho Carmen Borgia about Arsenal, John Snyder and the state of sponsorship. And he's not a happy bunny.
Swede Satisfaction
Stockholm Joy's Magued Idris on the Swedes becoming the first European team to conquer America and why Joy are the real winners of the Millennium.
Notes from the Field
If you don't prepare properly, you're a loser. And in more ways than one. The Naughty Dogs are here to help with their very own masterclass in pre-game preparation.
Best of the Best
XSV's Micah McGlocklin talks us through the greatest clutch players in the game and explains why these superstar exponents are changing the face of paintball.
Ride or Die
Your team's getting shot to hell and you're down on numbers. It's all over, right? Wrong. NPPL Semi-Pro leaders The Miami Raiders unveil the secrets to the paintball comeback…
Joy to the World
History is made at the San Diego NPPL as Stockholm Joy become the first ever European winners of an American event.
London Calling
The Campaign Cup returns to England's capital for the final event of the Millennium Series. So who took the honors in the land of the wonky teeth?
On Test
Kingman reveal the Spyder Electra and Hangar 18 bring you the Eros-E. So is it love at first sight?
NEW! Gun Doctor
Our resident nerd answers your questions