Paintball 2000 | Paintball-News Das Paintball Magazin

25. Juli 2006

PGi #209 The Freedom of Speech Issue

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 17:00

Mit der #209 wird die neuste Ausgabe der PGi in Kürze in den Läden stehen! Die Übersicht des Inhaltes der "The Freedom of Speech Issue":

As all good Americans know, tha US is founded upon freedom of speech (along with life, liberty and Fruit of the Loom) and Patriot Act or no Patriot Act, PGi is gonna carry on the tradition of telling it like it is – so screw you George.

To celebrate our right to talk as much **** as we like whenever we like, we invited a few friends of ours to boogie on down to PGi Towers and tell us what was on their minds. Luscious Chris Lasoya arrived on The Pony Express from Draxxus HQ to spill the beans on his NPS fallout, rejoining Dye, playing with Shock and Trauma and more. And once Chris had saddled up and rode on out, Steve Hofstetter, the comedian who had the temerity to – gasp – suggest televised Paintball was not the greatest thing since Debbie Does Dallas, came in to explain why no amount of hatemail had changed his mind. And for a bit of light relief we got reserved, placid, quietly spoken Miami Raiders Coach Paul Richards to talk about a subsection of the Paintball community who spend a fair of their time right here at

And if you get through that without the CIA kicking down your door and dragging you off to Gitmo, try this for seconds…

Gun Frenzy: Eclipse Etek, Alien Remains, Tippmann 98ACT and PMI Maxx 55 on test

Fighting Talk: Robbo reveals the hidden link between cage fighting and Paintball

Wrap it Up: Micah McG explains how to kill mulitple bad guys every game

X-Ball Mid Game: Essential tactics from inside the NXL

Way of the Gun: HK sniper skills unveiled

Decoy Plays: Avery Amaya goes beyond good and evil…

Confidence is King: Dynasty's secret weapon unleashed

PSP Chicago & Millennium Paris event reports

Plus Tom Cole, Bart Blonski, Yosh Rau and a very angry young man who needs to vent…about you.

PGi: The Reds under your mom's bed

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