Paintball 2000 | Paintball-News Das Paintball Magazin

21. Dezember 2005

Pgi #202 The Straight Edge Issue

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 17:18

Die neuste Ausgabe der Paintball Games International ist veröffentlicht worden. Unter dem Titel „The Straight Edge Issue“ wird die #202 folgende Themen behandeln:[img]../newsimages/produktnews2003/2005-12-21-90334349.jpeg[/img]Back in the day, the original Avalanche were the wild boys of Paintball. They wrote the book on sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll, and names like Lasoya and Cagnoni became synonomous with The Life.But this ain't back in the day, this is now, and there's a new breed of ballers rewriting Paintball's rules. Whether they take their inspiration from the legacy of Minor Threat, Rollins and Fugazi or are on a personal mission from God doesn't matter, what matters is these kids kick ass. PGi proudly presents…On The EdgeJay Pineda and Cassidy Sanders from HK Army keeping it cleanLTZ: How a former BMX World Champion is creating a new blueprint for success the Straight Edge WayDoc's Raiders: How one young man's tragic drug-related death kick started 2006's hottest ticketUltimate: 2005's surprise package on doing things the hard wayAnson Hong: From Miami Effect bad boy to Legacy and Christ KrewPLUSGat Attack: Infamous Intimidator, Ego6 and new look MacDev Cyborg on testCrystal Ball: Robbo and 8 Paintball luminaries divulge what 2006 has in store for us allInsert Here: Micah McG on how to play the glory roleRun-thru Heaven: Tommy Gun Pemberton deconstructs Paintball's most explosive moveOff-Season Training: Rocky Knuth puts you through your paces Doggy-styleElder Statesman: Does 30 signify the end of your balling career? Not if you know PGi's secrets to eternal balling youthAfter the Hurricane: NPPL Miami full reportPlus the inside story from a Dynasty practice, everything you ever wanted to know about Alien, GHTP Max'd and more.PGi: God-fearing, lentil-eating, clean-living reading, just like mom used to make.No, really…

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