haben ein Interview mit Chuck Hendsch geführt, er erzählt über TV Deals, Marketing, die Pro Teams und vieles mehr.
PBC: Chuck, I want to congratulate you and all the others involved who made the NPPL such a success. I have noticed much growth within the league team wise as well as the amount of sponsors that were drawn in. What was it that made this happen?
Chuck Hendsch: I think it's our commitment to servicing the players and sponsors. I believe it's about satisfying the needs of customers and combining that with personal service. The NPPL listens to the players and sponsors and puts those ideas into action.
PBC: In your opinion, what makes the NPPL so unique from the other tournament series?
Chuck Hendsch: The NPPL has a full time staff which is dedicated and focused on providing the player, sponsor, and spectator the ultimate paintball experience.
PBC: When the registrations for the Huntington Beach event started coming in, what was the reaction when the total teams more than doubled from the year before?
Chuck Hendsch: The reaction was overwhelming. We found ourselves trying to accommodate all the teams and sponsors. In 2005 we will be adding an additional field to allow for more teams to play.
PBC: Obviously, your staff is marketing the NPPL aggressively, would you like to enlighten us on who we should thank for their hard work?
Chuck Hendsch: The marketing effort is a team project. Every department contributes to the marketing of the league and the events. For example, we use the teams, sponsors, and paintball media to get the word out to the core paintball market. We utilize a guerilla marketing approach 30 days prior to each event where our street team hits the local community hard with flyers and promotions. We then have a national program set up to target TV, Newspaper, and mainstream marketing channels to advertise to the mass public. It takes alot of coordination from all of our staff to make this all happen.
PBC: For the Pro Division, why did the NPPL choose to limit the amount of teams next year?
Chuck Hendsch: Limiting the teams or having the Professional teams earn their spots legitimizes the Pro League. Prior to 2005 anyone who had a team and the money to enter Pro was allowed to play Pro. Today's Pro teams will have to earn their spots and thus, attract the best players in the world. We are very excited about next years Pro line up and are looking forward to promoting each Professional team.
PBC: Will the NPPL exclude some teams to this ruling next season if say more of the NXL teams choose to crossover to the NPPL as The Men, Shock, Ironmen, and New York Raiders have done this season?
Chuck Hendsch: The NPPL regulation system is in place to allow any team to earn a spot in the Professional ranks. It's simple all the team has to do is take first place in Division I and they will automatically be promoted up to the Pro division.
PBC: If Pro teams, like Entourage, were to play next season will they be allowed to play in Division 1?
Chuck Hendsch: All teams will be allowed to play Division I. Division I is now a Semi Professional Division where teams have the chance to be promoted up to the Pro Division.
PBC: Phil Dominguez steps down from the Ultimate Judge position to play, with his experience and guidance gone how did the NPPL go about finding a suitable replacement?
Chuck Hendsch: The position of Ultimate Judge is very important as the role carries alot of responsibility. The Ultimate must know the rules completely and be able to interpret the rules to any given situation. The Ultimate must have a complete understanding of how the game is to be officiated. This position basically runs the officiating program. The person who is hired for this position must have the experience and knowledge to handle any refereeing situation. It was only natural to promote someone from within the organization that has this experience. Dan Perez has been working with the NPPL Super 7 World Series from its inception. Dan worked with Phil on many occasions as he has been the Head Ref on the NPPL field for 7 events. Dan also is the NPPL P.R.O. Head Referee Trainer. Dan has been working closely with the NPPL to develop refereeing procedures and systems to ensure fair, safe, and non-biased tournaments. The NPPL is committed to the independent P.R.O. referring program and will continue to educate and promote quality officiating. We look forward to working with Dan Perez in 2005.
PBC: Dave Zinkham and his robot placed fear into many players this year. How did this tool come about?
Chuck Hendsch: Dave Zinkham is the NPPL Scrutineer. This position is responsible for making sure the equipment that is being used at NPPL events is safe and legal under the official rules of the NPPL. One area which Dave must monitor is the legality and safety of markers used in NPPL competitions. The Marker rules are in place for safety reasons. The NPPL is committed to providing a safe environment for players to compete in. The problem today is recent technology makes it easy to program markers to break the rules put in place by the league for safety reasons. Dave developed the Robot under the instruction of the NPPL to catch the players who have programmed their markers to break the safety rules which give a player an unfair advantage on the field. The NPPL will continue to develop procedures and ways to insure safe and fair competitions.
PBC: What are your visions for the 2005 season?
Chuck Hendsch: The 2005 season is looking to be one of the most exciting years the NPPL has ever seen. There will be a greater emphasis on promoting the sport and teams to the general public. We will continue to develop new systems to enhance the players, spectators, and sponsors paintball experience. We want to thank everyone who supported the NPPL in 2004 and look forward to working with everyone in 2005.
PBC: Mr. Hendsch thank you for your time, looking forward to Huntington Beach next season.