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14. Februar 2003

Paint Xtreme = Redz Europe

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 00:00

Vor einiger Zeit veröffentlichte Paint Xtreme ( die Liste der Redz Europa gesponsorten Teams. Aus ihr konnte man schon entnehmen, das Paint Xtreme nun den kompletten Europavertrieb von Redz Produkte übernimmt.Jetzt ist zu diesem Thema auch eine Pressemitteilung rausgekommen.Hier das Original:————————————————————With the beginning of the 2003 season the famous REDZ brand will be distributed in Europe by only one dealer, Paint Xtreme in Germany.REDZ Paintball Gear stands for high quality paintball products of all kinds, especially in the soft equipment range. Not only because of Triple-Crown Champion DYNASTY winning with REDZ Dimension packs it is well known on the US market as well as Europe.Paint XTREME was one of the first distributors for REDZ Paintball Gear on this side of the pond. The company exists since 1998 and it’s owner Lars Herzig is one of the most popular paintball players in Germany. He grew up with the beginnings of Paintball and is now well know not only throughout Germany but also throughout paintball playing Europe. He believed in the products of REDZ since he met the mastermind behind ,Greg “Red” Hastings, when living in NY in the late 90s. Together with his English wife and partner in business, Martina Burke, who is in the paintball business since the mid 90’s, PAINT XTREME is about to make REDZ even more known and easy to get in whole Europe. As Premium-Sponsor of the Millennium Series in 2003 this shouldn’t be a really tough job. For further information on quality, variety and history of REDZ products please have a look at For becoming a REDZ dealer or placing your orders please contact Martina or Lars at +49-69-65009910 or by mail at [email protected]. With the beginning of the Millennium season they will also launch their new site …————————————————————

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