Paintball 2000 | Paintball-News Das Paintball Magazin

21. August 2006

Ollie Lang

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 07:20

Ollie Lang

Ein kleiner Auszug aus dem Interview: Well, we’re not quite six months late, but congratulations for rejoining Dye Precision and the Ironmen and signing a multiyear contract as part of the largest single-player sponsorship in the history of paintball. We’re told and we’ve read that for a paintball player, this is the equivalent of the contract that A-Rod signed. True?

Lang: Yes, that’s true. Our sport is still in its infancy, but it is equivalent to something along those terms. Can you give us any specifics about your agreement, especially if it’s already been reported either in mainstream media or paintball-specific news outlets?

Lang: It’s a five-year deal with Dye Precision. It’s similar to a job so I get all the health benefits.

Das gesamte Interview mit vielen coolen Bildern findet Ihr hier auf der Budweiser Webseite.

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