Ihre herausragende Stellung innerhalb des weltweiten Ligenzirkus unterstreicht die NPPL Super 7 Serie erneut. Diesesmal im Bereich der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit indem sie den Sender FOX dazu gebracht hat über das 3 NPPL Super 7 Event in Denver berichten. Flagpull.com dazu:In the run-up to our 3rd event in DENVER (16-18 July) at Invesco Field at Mile High, home of the Denver Broncos. Pure Promotions & NPPL are again pleased to announce that FOX Sports NET will be airing special editions of the NPPL Super 7 World Series show before and during the event.The shows will be aired on FOX Sports Net – Rocky Mountain which broadcasts to 2.8 million homes in Colorado, Utah, Wyoming and Kansas. The shows will feature the usual non-stop action and as well as promoting the event.CATCH THE NPPL SUPER 7 SHOW ON FOX SPORTS NET ROCKY MOUNTAINSat July 10th @ 5.30pmThurs July 15th @ 2.30pmSat July 17th @ 3.00pm
1. Juli 2004
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