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24. Juli 2005

Nicky Vegas Website

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 10:43

Nicky Vegas, derzeitiger Avalanche Spieler, hat nun seine eigene Website von Factory Design erhalten. Auf ihr findet man Informationen über seine Biography, Bilder, Downloads, Interviews und vieles mehr. Dazu auch die offizielle Pressemitteilung von Factory Design.

You all are familiar witht he work of the guys at Factory Designed who have helped get out professional web sites for today's professional paintbllers. Their latest site if for Pro Paintballer Nicky Vegas, currently of team Avalanche and formely of team XSV. Nicky earned his name from being Mr. vegas and you can follow his romps through paintball and beyond on his all new site.

Using some great flash navigation and presenting Nicky Vegas to the world in a way only they can, Factory Designed has built an incredible site for Nicky and its only going to grow in content. As we have done in the past, FON has integrated a forum and host it so you can make post and interact with Nicky at your liesure. He already has a few post in there to say hello. Check out the new site, sign the guest book in the forums and just drop a hello.

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