Paintball 2000 | Paintball-News Das Paintball Magazin

16. Juni 2004

Nelson erweitern Kapazitäten

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 15:50

Aufgrund des Zuwachs an Paintballspielern und der damit steigenden Menge an verschossenen Paintballs, steigern Nelson in ihrem Werk die Kapazität. Hier die Pressemitteilungvom 15. Juni 2004.

For the last twenty years, the amount of paintball players has been growing at a steady rate.  With this, the demands for paintballs have been readily increasing.  It has become difficult for paintball manufacturers to keepup with this demand.

Nelson Technologies, Inc. (manufacturer of Anarchy, Challenger, NelSplat, Hot Spot, and now Special Forces Series paintballs) has spent the past two years planning and designing ways to increase capacity of paintball manufacturing.  On June 3rd, they began the process by pouring cement.  They will be acquiring additional machines that will increase the amount of paintballs that are manufactured per day.  Nelson is also in the process of modifying their existing machines for increased capacity.  This will help them to meet demands from the paintball industry.

In addition to the increased demand for paintballs worldwide, Nelson is also entering the mass-market sector by introducing a full line of paintball and air-soft guns and accessories along with a complete line of their paintball products. „We will be offering our products to the high quality sporting goods stores and are expected to be on their shelves for the first time by the end of this year. Nelson has also just released several new paintball lines, including one that was developed for Navy Seal training, which will be available for the first time to the public…” stated Executive Vice President Rick Louys, „…this will be the most expensive paintball on the market, and well worth it.”

Nelson currently exports paintballs to England, France, Russia, Australia, New Zealand, and Kuwait.  “We simply cannot keep up with the demand at this point, and there is no end in sight. Our challenge is to expand, but at the same time continue to produce the highest quality paintball in the industry, which is what our customers have come to expect and appreciate,” claimed Louys. This is only the first phase in what the owners have laid out for the next five years. They have a very aggressive growth plan, supported by a demand in sales, and a product considered to be the original and best paintball on the market today.

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