Paintball 2000 | Paintball-News Das Paintball Magazin

7. April 2005

NE Hurricanes goes… XO Industries

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 22:13

Die New England Hurricanes, ehemals Redz Hurricanes, werden in der Saison 2005 Paintballs der Marke X.O. Industries verschießen. Das Team wird hauptsächlich Vein und Menace, die beiden Top Sorten von X.O., verwenden. Hier noch die Pressemitteilung:

X.O. Industries and the NE Hurricanes have created a relationship that will see the Hurricanes shooting X.O. paint for the 2005 season.  The Hurricanes will be shooting primarily Vein and Menace,  the two highest grades of paint that XO offers.

Players from SkyBall will recognize Vein as the paint of choice for that event.

Jeff Stein said,  „The Hurricanes are thrilled with this news.  X.O.  makes great paint and the Hurricanes hope to help that paint get more widely recognized and appreciated.  This is a great situation for the team, being aligned with a young and aggressive company, where we can help the company grow into more markets and improve their national exposure.“

For more information on X.O. Industries, check HERE

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