Die Millennium Series Organisation hat eine Presseerklärung zum Druckluftunfall in Madrid veröffentlicht. Wie erwartet kann nach den Untersuchungen eine Gefährung bei korrekter Nutzung der Druckluftsysteme ausgeschlossen werden. Lediglich durch grobe Fehlbedienungen wie das Einsprühen von leichtentzündlichen Öl/Gas-Gemischen kann es zu gefährlichen Situationen kommen.
Press Release Air Incident Madrid
The millennium are pleased to announce the following information, following an extensive investigation by ourselves and Hpac.
Hpac in conjunction with bottle manufactures and other manufacturing companies and ourselves have carried out an intensive and detailed investigation into the bottle and reg explosion in Madrid. They concluded that there was no failure in either the regulator or the bottle and that the incident occurred due to the misuse of a butane and oil mix sprayed into the regulator prior to filling which cased the mixture to ignite on filling and resulted in the bottle and regulator detaching. We believe that it should be pointed out that the player responsible for the action was not injured and left the scene and has not come forward.
Below is an extract from Hpacs report
“After contact with the manufacturer STAKO we asked many questions and asked for test procedures for the cylinders in use, we received the information yesterday and after close inspection we have no reason to believe these cylinders are not safe to use and adhere to all relevant criteria and the failure was down to player miss-use and the adding of oil to the regulator prior to filling, the burst pressures during test are far above working pressures, some failed at 1238 bar which gives us a 4:1 safety margin.”
The result of this enquiry has concluded that it is safe to fill bottles as before. We have however concluded that we must educate the players more and implement greater safety awareness and procedures so as to prevent such an incident from happening again. Starting in Paris all players will be required to sign an information sheet containing all necessary safety information and safe practice , also all bottles and regs will be subject to greater scrutiny and security stickers with will attached to each system . Removal of these during any millennium event will result in the elimination of that player for the rest of the event and the team will have to continue the event with one less player on the field .
We the millennium and Hpac feel that these new measures are necessary to protect the safety of our customers the players , our staff and members of the public and we hope that you will all appreciate that we have moved swiftly to investigate and to take such measures that the investigation has proved are required. We do not expect these new measures to have any impact on the smooth running of the event or to the enjoyment of the game and can only help prove that paintball as a sport is a responsible and mature.