In der ersten Pressemitteilung die die Millennium Series dieses Jahr veröffentlicht hat, wurde eine Players Organisation angekündigt. In der heutigen Pressemitteilung gibt die Millennium Series nun weitere, detailiertere Informationen bekannt.
Um für das Committee nominiert zu werden, gibt es auf der Website der Millennium Series einen Downloadlink, hinter dem sich ein Word Dokument versteckt. Diese Datei kann man aber auch direkt hier erreichen.
The Millennium Board is always looking at ways to improve the Millennium Series and the format of the game. With this in mind the Millennium Board would like to invite players to join the Millennium Players' Committee, a group of 5 players to give guidance, advice and direction to the Board as the evolution of paintball continues.
The Players' Committee is intended to be a voice for all Millennium Series players, an independent group elected and directly accountable only to the players.
During the season various areas of responsibility will be given over to the Players' Committee and representatives of the Players' Committee will also sit on the Rules Committee, Disciplinary Committee and attend full Millennium Series meetings.
We believe that the Players' Committee can only be chosen by the players themselves and therefore we are now asking for nominations from all teams for players they would like to see represent them on the Players' Committee. As part of the team registration process at the Max Masters we will be asking all team captains to vote for the people on the nominee's list who they think can best represent them and we will announce the elected members of the Players' Committee at the completion of the Max Masters.