Die Millennium Series hat es geschafft die Location vom Iberian Cup offiziell zu bestätigen. Was schon seit einigen Tagen als Gerücht durch das Internet geisterte ist nun Realität: Der Iberian Cup wird auf dem Trainings Gelände von Real Madrid abgehalten. Alle Felder werden auf brandneuem Astro Turf aufgebaut und um das leibliche Wohl der Spieler braucht sich auch niemand Sorgen machen. Was noch fehlt sind die Hotel Deals die aber "in Kürze" folgen werden:

After months of negotiation The Millennium Series are pleased to announce that the 2006 Iberian Cup will take place inside the Real Madrid City. Apart from being the home of the world famous Real Madrid football team it is also the largest, most Hi-Tech sports facility ever built by a football club.
It is located in the heart of the future Valdebebas Park, in between the two most active business centres of Madrid, IFEMA and Barajas International Airport.
Never, has there been a more perfect venue for a professional paintball tournament. All fields will be on brand new astro turf, all with state of the art tribunes. Between the 6 playing fields there are top quality catering facilities including a full restaurant with fantastic views over the whole event. The venue layout also allows for an excellent trade village that should add to what we expect to be a fantastic atmosphere.
If you would like to see more please don’t hesitate to visit the interactive tour at the following address:
We will very shortly be releasing further information including details of the many hotels we have available at good rates.