Paintball 2000 | Paintball-News Das Paintball Magazin

7. April 2005

Millennium Series 15BPS Cap Press Release

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 23:07

Die Millennium Series hat eben eine klärende Pressemitteilung zum 15BPS Cap veröffentlicht. Hier die komplette Pressemitteilun im Original:Millennium Series Rules 2005 – 15BPS cap clarification Press ReleaseFollowing requests for clarification on rules 11.01 and 19.01-09 of the 2005 Millennium Series Rulebook the Rules Committee Chairman, Joern Windler, has released the following statement:The 2005 Rulebook has introduced many changes this season and, although 99% of the changes have been very well received and accepted, the alteration to the gun rules has caused some confusion. We have changed the gun rules in an attempt to counteract the benefits gained from 'cheater' boards – those software based cheats that increase the rate of fire of markers to an unsafe level. These boards/chips are specifically designed to be impossible for judges to detect and test, protecting the cheating player from the punishment laid down in the rules.To counteract the benefits of 'cheater' software a cap of 15BPS has been implemented. With the 15BPS cap we are able to restrict many of the benefits of enhanced firing modes, forcing those that choose to cheat to the same rate of fire as those that stay within the rules. We intend the cap to be a temporary measure until such time as gun manufacturers can provide a way for judges to ensure that the original (and legal) board/chip/software is installed in each gun. Once this is possible we would return to uncapped semi-automatic guns. Although we are still unable to detect the many 'hidden' firing modes we believe, with the enforcement of the following tests, we can create a level playing field when it comes to marker technology. Therefore, until the industry is capable of providing judges with the tools to detect illegal software, judges will only be testing for mechanical bounce, runaway triggers, muzzle velocity and rate of fire. In addition, the use of fully automatic markers will not be permitted and players caught in game with markers shooting in a fully automatic mode will be punished in the same manner as a marker exceeding the 15BPS cap. Due to the serious nature of this rule change, the Rules Committee and the newly formed Players' Committee will jointly review the situation following the Max Masters event (22nd – 24th April).AdministrationKarlijn van [email protected] CommitteeAndy Scutt, Joern Windler & Ulrich Stä[email protected]

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