Das Loaded Magazine welches sich wie einige andere amerikanische Magazine auf das Thema: Paintball, Lifestyle und Babes eingeschossen hat beginnt mit Personal Sponsorings für Pro-Spieler. Die ersten Spieler die das Magazin nun in dieses Programm aufgenommen hat sind Thomas Taylor von XSV und Opie Loughran von Dynasty. Die Beweggründe in der Pressemitteilung:
These two heavy hitters in the industry will now be officially endorsed by Loaded Magazine. Both their personalities and aims live up to that of Loaded. We are extremely happy with signing Thomas and Richard to Loaded. “This is the first step of many that Loaded is taking in our hopes to help grow the sport that we all love” explained Loaded Publisher Edward Vaca.
When asked his thoughts, Opie said, “This is the coolest thing ever! When I first became signed, it was like having 10 birthdays all at once.”
Tommy’s comments were, “I like this, I’m really happy. I think it’s going to be a really good relationship.”
Currently Loaded Magazine is currently in negotiations with other pro players to be added to our roster.
About Richard “Opie” Loughran
Born December 3rd,1981 in Echo Park, CA and raised in Huntington Beach, CA. At 24 years old, he has been playing paintball for 10.5 years 6 of which are professional. Past teams he has played for are: Ironmen, Kapp Factory, Diggers, and Currently Dynasty where he battles it out in the front position. His defining moment in paintball was playing paintball on TV. He has won at every tournament series and over 20 tourneys in his career. When he isn't playing paintball, Opie enjoys surfing and is into fashion.
About Thomas “Troll” Taylor
Born June 25th 1980 in Salinas, CA and raised in Washington. At 25 years old, he has been playing paintball for 6 years 4 of which are professional. Teams he has played for are: Cartel, Ironmen, and currently XSV where he gun fights in the front position. His defining moment in paintball was when he was on Cartel for World Cup 2003 and lost by one point. After that pro teams started scouting him. His achievements include being ranked number one in Europe and ranked number two in the USA in 2005. Thomas eats, breathes, and sleeps paintball.
About Loaded Magazine
Loaded Magazine is on its second year of publication. We continually like to reinvent what Loaded Magazine is, most recently changing our magazine to a media rich format. We are the first of its kind, a paintball, lifestyle magazine! Our pocket size publication comes with a DVD in every issue. Paintball is not just an extreme sport but also a way of life. In our magazine, you will read about professional players, tournament coverage, new equipment reviews by experienced professionals, the hottest new gadgets, and upcoming events. For more information please visit www.getloadedonline.com