Der neue Dirt Bolt hat den Vorteil das sich in der Mitte des Bolts ein verstellbarer Stift befindet um die Position des Balls in der Breech zu verändern. Bei den älteren Angels hätte man sich sowas gewünscht.
Kila is up to no good again. Packed with patent pending Kila Products LLC Dirty TM technology including: 1 piece inner thrust core with reverse scoop inlet providing smooth, kick-free operation without sacrificing efficiency. Adjustable magnetic center tip provides ball-in-breech control (Centers the ball stack while also eliminating the need for adjustable ram cap), detent slots designed to work in perfect harmony with Kila Instinct TM Ego/Etek magnetic detent systems. Finished with custom Kila Products jewel capped 6061 lightweight anodized aluminum bolt pin in multiple colors to match popular marker color schemes.