Paintball 2000 | Paintball-News Das Paintball Magazin

3. November 2004

GHTP für Feld- und Ladenbetreiber

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 16:33

68caliber haben eine Pressemitteilung zu Greg Hastings Tournament Paintball veröffentlicht. Danach können nun Besitzer von Paintballfelder und Shops nun Exemplare zum weiterverkaufen vorbestellen:GHTP available for fields and storesBy Greg HastingsNov 2, 2004, 15:32“Greg Hastings Tournament Paintball” and Activision are excited to announce that retail Paintball stores and fields will be able to purchase and resell the first ever console Paintball video game. GHTP releases on November 18th for X Box and Activision recognizes the importance of having this “grass roots” video game be available right in the local Paintball stores.Contact the following authorized distributors today. GHTP cannot be purchased wholesale by Paintball stores anywhere else and price integrity will be kept firm. Call now to get your copies pre ordered from any of these fine companies!! American Paintball Supply, 877-262-2557Action Village, 888-679-4327Tippmann, 1-260-749-6022Dye, 1-858-536-5183PMI, 1- 847-233-9900WGP, 1-800-755-5061In Europe, Paint Xtreme: +49-(0)6087-989-120Previews for this great title continue to pour in. Check out these awesome sights for a complete preview of Greg Hastings Tournament Paintball.< can also check out for all the latest news about GHTP.

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