Vor kurzem erst ist die Ausgabe #27 der Face-Full in Deutschland erschienen und schon wurde von den Herstellern die Ausgabe #28 veröffentlicht.
Hier der Inhalt der neuen Ausgabe:
Celebrity death match
Except nobody really dies… only their reputation. Philadelphia All Americans' Spesh Robinson fires away at XSV's Rich Telford in this issue's special NXL/NPPL season slasher preview. Yes, we deliberately infringed on MTV's copyright to bring you the best prognostics of the two hottest paintball leagues in the world, the NPPL seen by the NXL's top teams and vice versa.
The cannibals
As technology moves forward, great things happen. Things you never dreamed you could afford suddenly become within your grasp… The Ion and Wrath are proving paintball to be next, but could these little technological marvels kill the barely mature high-end market? We investigate and come up, as usual, with several answers. Come on, complexity breeds character.
Cheaters, caught on tape!
And their girlfriends are upset. But not as much as their fans. Can you guess who said this: “I've seen some pretty bad things in my day… Wipe a goggle hit, wave to the crowd, shoot three players and win the game… And that was me.” And we call this a professional sport? There's no sewer we'll uncover to answer the question no one dares ask: can you be a good pro player today without being a good cheater? Here's one answer: “Yes, I do whatever it takes to win, I don't really consider it cheating.” Oh boy.
HB '05 Plus
The world's most anticipated tournament, the Super 7 in Huntington Beach reviewed, photographed and analyzed by our crack team (literally). The wonderful adventures of Will Arroyo, Ion and Wrath markers tested, Little John Marques, XSV (we swear, it's the last time), Jules Foote, Eastern European paintball, and Boston Red Legion strategy advice.
So don't worry, to keep MTV's lawyers in check, we'll do a Room Raiders on Keely Watson in the next issue.
Facefull Magazine
In your face in your world
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