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3. Januar 2005

EMR Tank Shipping Service

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 16:21

Ihr wollt im EMR Paintballpark ein Event spielen oder einfach eine der großen Szenarioparks der Welt besuchen? Dann habt ihn in Zukunft keinen Ärger mehr mit euren Druckluftflaschen.Die Macher (Blue von der Blue Crew) des EMR Paintballparks bieten euch euch einen freien Shipping-Servcie für eure Flaschen an. Ihr schickt die Flaschen via UPS oder FedEx und müsst euch nicht bei den Sicherheitskontrollen am Flughafen ärgern. Wie das ganze funktioniert entnehmt ihr folgender Presseerklärung:EMR PAINTBALL would like to announce a new service available to players attending our events. Airlines and the Federal goverment have implemented tougher restrictions on the transport of HPA and Co2 Tanks in airtravel. Blue and the crew at EMR have responded by allowing players to ship their tanks and other equipment directly to the field to avoid the hassels, problems, and possible forefiture of gear.Simply ship us your gear via UPS or FEDEX before the event and upon arrival pick it up. After the event simply rebox it, leave a call tag and have it picked up. It's as easy as that. EMR Paintball is gladly providing this service for free if you follow our guidelines:1) Please ship directly to the field with your name as attention to ( your name ).2) Insure the package properly – we cannot be responsable for damages in shipping damages to or from .3) Please have a return label with shipping costs done and call in a for a pickup when you leave the field.4) Have a picture ID for claim of the package.5) Keep your boxes and shipping material for after the event and rebox it applying the return label and shipping.Shipping address:EMR Paintball Parkattn ( your name here )728 RT. 706 & 601New Milford, PA 18834Blue and the staff at EMR PAINTBALL PARK hope that this helps relieve the problems with coming to some of the best events in the country at the premier field on the east coast. If you have any questions please contact us at [email protected] or by calling 570-465-9622.Our full schedule, events, and other details can be found at's Paintball will also be on hand at all of our events for those of you that need your tanks re-assembled and dismantled for the trip home. Check out their services, rates and schedule at

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