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20. November 2004

Dynasty trennt sich von Mini Mike Cota

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 10:58

Rodney Squires von Dynasty hat im pbstar einen Artikel veröffentlich der sicht mit den Hintergründen der Entourage DQ am letzen Wochende in San Diego befasst:“Friday morning at the field I was working with my guys setting their guns and the guns of the Stoned Assassins. No one wanted to be DQ'd. So Mini is asking me to help him. I say to him that he needs to learn how to set his own gun up and I will teach him. (This is while I am working on five guns myself).““I made Mini take off the grip frame and adjust the magnet to increase the return of the trigger. His trigger was also very dirty at the time. I wanted him to learn to clean the entire gun.““Mini's Gun was set at a Debounce of 3 at the time we started to work on his gun. He was complaining that his gun was shooting slow (Probably due to the dirt in the trigger area). So Mini said to me that he wanted to lower the Debounce. I said that if he went to 2 he would have to get the gun checked on the Robot.““Mini went to the Chrono and shot his gun. He returned and said that he wanted to go to Debounce 1. I said to him that if he played with the gun and got put on the Robot that he would not pass. He proceeded to play Friday with the gun. We caught him later in the evening and reset the gun to Debounce 3. Mini reset his gun Friday night or Saturday morning without anyone on the team knowing.“I was playing the game that he got his gun taken away and I could hear it from my bunker behind his. I knew we were in trouble. I walked off the field knowing we were going home.““What can you do when a player does something like this with total disregard for the rest of his teammates? We have paid the price with losing our spot for next year in the NPPL pro division. It really sucks.“As a result of Entourage's disqualification in San Diego, the team will not qualify to play in the pro bracket next year, losing thousands of dollars in sponsorship cash.Ultimately, Mini Mike was cut from Dynasty in San Diego. The entire incident is unfortunate as Mini Mike is a great guy who screwed up once and cost his team an entire season.As for the disqualification rule itself, it's great to see the NPPL continue their crackdown on illegal guns, but it's pretty clear there are still a lot of illegal guns at NPPL events in spite of the heavy-handed DQ rule. Cleary DQing an entire team for a single illegal gun will not work as long as individual players think they'll pass undetected or that the risk is worth it. With disqualifying an entire team for a single player's actions being criticized as an inflexible way to address the problem, look for the rules committee to make some changes for 2005.

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