Paintball 2000 | Paintball-News Das Paintball Magazin

21. September 2006

Dynasty Smart Parts bis 2008

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 08:22

For all of you Dynasty fans and loyal Smart Parts followers; the boys in blue have re-signed their sponsorship deal for an additional three years through the 2008 season. Team Dynasty, the 4-time world champs, will continue to use signature Dynasty Shockers, Smart Parts barrels and Max-Flo air systems. You can now be assured that when watching Dynasty roll through the competition, they will only be using the latest and greatest gear from the industry leader in paintball markers, barrels and accessories.

“This helps to strengthen an already great relationship between Smart Parts and Dynasty and to further our winning tradition. We are very excited to have Dynasty back for the next three years.”

–Adam Gardner, Vice President, Smart Parts, Inc.

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