NXe hat bekannt gegeben das San Diego Dynasty für weitere drei Jahre unter Vertrag steht und das Team Sponoring Programm weiter ausgebaut wird:
John Bosch, President of NXe commented, "We are very happy to make this announcement. Our relationship with the boys is one of commitment and respect. The boys feel the same way about us. This is one of the few, truly professional teams in paintball today. Their actions, attitudes and performance, event after event, only proves how special this team is. They are everything that makes this such a great sport and true heroes the kids can look up to."
Alex Fraige of Dynasty added, "NXe and Dynasty have been a great match since the beginning. We are excited and enthusiastic about extending our deal. The team is looking forward to keep working with NXe to develop new and groundbreaking products that set the paintball standard for excellence."
Bosch went on to say, "I would like to also formally announce that NXe will expand its team sponsorship program in 2008. We realize the industry has experienced some rough years and that many companies, both big and small, are going to sharply reduce their sponsorship offers. Here at NXe, we have had another year of strong growth, both here in North America, as well as the global marketplace.
During our budget meeting for 2008, we have decided to allocate additional funds in order to expand on the successful sponsorship program we have. In saying this, I would like to stress that we have begun cutting some of the existing teams that no longer have marketing and promotional value and simply no longer give us the return on our investment. We have, and will continue to add new teams and invest heavily in some of those new and upcoming teams, as well as our existing stable of teams. This will be on a global scale."
You can learn more about NXe and San Diego Dynasty by visiting their websites at www.nxepaintball.com and www.dynastypaintball.com.