Paintball 2000 | Paintball-News Das Paintball Magazin

3. Juli 2007

Dye Update

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 12:16

Die neue Internetseite punktet neben ihrer Aktualität unter anderem auch mit verbessertem Inhalt, wie zum Beispiel downloadbaren Manuals für die DM7.

San Diego, California (June 29, 2007) – Dye Precision Incorporated today announced the release of their newly redesigned and updated Dye Matrix website. Complete with updated technical information on all Dye and Proto paintball markers, the site also features downloadable manuals, troubleshooting guide, and the complete range of products & upgrades for the Dye and Proto series of markers. In addition, the Forum section is still available for all of your posts and technical inquiries with certified techs online. The media section contains video links, official Matrix marker photos as well as current and archived Matrix ad campaigns featuring top professional players such as Oliver Lang of the Los Angeles Ironmen and Chris Lasoya of Baltimore Trauma.

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