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16. Oktober 2006

Digital Paintball Gold

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 07:25

Endlich ist es soweit, viele kennen den Halflife 1 Mod Digital Paintball, nun gibt es die Gold-Version. Die Finale und letzte Version die nach dem letzten sehr schlechten Release endlich die Besserung verspricht die man gewohnt ist.


Digital Paintball's gone gold!
10/15/06 – 2:31am
This post is seven years in the making.

Let me begin by saying that this has been the best community. You guys put up with months of no news, years of botched builds and an eternity of cranky admins =)

Sometime during this week, a long time friend of ours, Tony Sergi (you may know him as Omega) sent me an email. 'Jeff,' he began, 'I think I've found the problem with DPB'. As many of you may know, last year we released DPB 2.2 without a lot of regression testing, and there were several issues. Most of them were fixed quickly, but there has been one major one that has prevented us from releasing a final build of Digital Paintball for half-life.

Some quick history on this bug. Thirty different people have had eyes on the dpb codebase since this bug was discovered. Valve has had a few sets of eyes on it as well. None of them could figure out what the heck was going wrong – it was crashing in a place that shouldn't crash.

'I've fixed it'. With those words, I knew it was about to be time to end this chapter of development. Can you say IRC Party? There'll be prizes

Join us on IRC: #DPB

I'm going to be posting a list of mirrors at 10 PM (gmt – 5, eastern) tomorrow, Sunday October 15th. I promise, you won't be disappointed.

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