Paintball 2000 | Paintball-News Das Paintball Magazin

15. Juli 2004

Bedruckte Deckungen

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 16:29

Die Firma Ultimate Airball hat ein Verfahren entwickelt um ihre aufblasbaren Paintballdeckungen photorealistisch zu bedrucken.[img]../newsimages/produktnews2003/2004-07-15-bunkers.jpg[/img]Presseerklärung:Brimstone Enterprises „ULTIMATE AIRBALL(tm)“ Inflatable Bunkers now offer HIGH-RESOLUTION FULL-COLOR IMAGE GRAPHICS.The Denver NPPL Super Seven event trade show will feature five spectacular examples of this fabulous graphic imaging technology.Paintball Event Promoters and Game Field Operators just received a tremendous new income stream opportunity:FULL-COLOR, HIGH-RES PHOTOS AND GRAPHIC ADVERTISING can now appear ON THE FIELD, applied directly onto the world's best Ultimate AirBall(tm) inflatable bunkers. Every Spectator, every camera, every eye will see these powerful graphics throughout the entire game, as they watch players slide into these spectacular bunkers!Imagine a game field full of Ultimate AirBall bunkers, covered with PAID ADVERTISING IMAGES from Nike(tm), Coca Cola(tm), or CBS Sports(tm)… Imagine a Center Bunker with a TEN FOOT TALL PHOTO of a Ford Truck…Imagine watching a Paintball Tournament on TV, with a top Pro Player sliding into a bunker emblazoned with an eight foot tall image of an athlete drinking Gatorade(tm)…The advertising income opportunities for Paintball Events and Fields are suddenly unlimited. You sell the Ad placement, Brimstone makes the bunkers. Available for X-Ball, 5-Player, 7-Player, 10-Player and more. This new graphics technology will be on display at this week's Denver NPPL/Super Seven event at the following Trade Show stands: National Paintball Supply/EMPIRE, JT USA, Planet Paintball/Eclipse, Tippmann, WGP/W'Orr Games ProductsFor more information about the world's best American-Made inflatable Ultimate AirBall systems:www.ultimateairball.comBrimstone Factory Direct: 740.682.6232Brimstone Offices: 450.424.6572National Paintball Supply: 800.346.5615

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