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18. Mai 2006

APE Neues APE Ion/SP8 Board

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 07:47

Das neue Rampage Board von APE kommt mit allem was man von einem Tuning-Board erwarten kann. Viele Feuer-Modi, viele Optionen zum Einstellen und ein eigenes Keypad mit vier LEDs welches auf die Rückseite des Ion-Griffs geklebt wird.

Hier nun alle Einzelheiten:

8 Standard modes of fire
– Semi
– Turbo+ (programmable)
– Burst (programmable)
– Full Auto
– PSP3
– AND 2 FULLY PROGRAMMABLE 3-step Ramping Modes!

You choose where to cap your maximum rate of fire OR uncap it to as fast as your hopper can feed! Separate control for speed with eyes on or eyes off as well.

Tournament Legal!
Internal Tourney Lock switch will automatically lock in your Tourney mode choice and cap your BPS rate at 15. This will also deactivate the keypad from making changes so you can play with confidence that you’re legal!

Total Marker Control
Too Many Customization Options to list! If you can think of it, you can adjust it! Programmable Auto Shutoff time, Programmable LED patterns, Programmable Keypad operations, Programmable Eye/Bolt/Noid controls…

Over 1.7 BILLION Setpoint combinations (YES BILLION!). Never before has so much flexibility been available… Experience a whole new dimension to ramping with our “Rampage” modes!

Trigger Trainer Mode
How fast can you pull the trigger? The Rampage ION board will let you know with the built in Trigger Trainer Mode!

Total Keypad Control
The coolest keypad ever is included! Designed to work EXCLUSIVELY with the Rampage board. Adheres to the back of your ION Grip and features 3 Pillow enhanced tactile keys:
– Power
– Eyes
– Programming

AND 4 LEDs (Blue, Green, Yellow & Red) integrated into the Keypad
All LEDs are viewable in direct sunlight! No more washed out, hard to determine colors from a single LED

Designed for Speedball AND Scenario Players
Never before has a board provided the flexibility and configuration for both Speedball Tourney players and Scenario players alike.

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