Hier ein kleiner Text über die neuerungen in den Solenoids und welche Vorteile sich für die Alien dadurch ergeben:
For clarification, Mac valves came to me many months ago with a new concept valve. I put that that valve in guns and sent them to Jim Drew. Mac techs went to Jim’s shop in Arizona and together Jim and Mac got the Interceptor and the Remains working with these new Mac Valves.
Mac really like my guns and was willing at no additional fee to cast new bodies so I could lay my valves on the side to make the profile smaller.
The reason the other boards will not work is the Mac is a direct drive unit – the electricity moves the spindle that directs the air. Humphrey valves are air assisted – electricity moves the air, and air moves the spindle, that why it takes a few extra thousandths of a second per shot. Because electricity moves the spindle it takes more of it, less battery life.
Jim also stated that the ram speed was 38bps, this more due to valve flow than valve speed because the ram/valve combo can already do over 30 which Jim stated many, many months back. He also stated that that is without changes in the Ram design. It's great to have bragging rights, but I'm so busy just doing what needs to be already done that I'm not going to be reworking the Ram soon. Jim said he might have some suggestions – which is great – but the Independent Ram we have now is very strong and light and if it cycles 38 times already I'll wait a year or so for somebody to prove theirs is faser and "maybe" then modify it.
I am very happy to get these new valves, but the Remains is working great and I want to make sure that we don’t have any issues. We will put the valves in the Interceptors “soon” and then the Remains maybe 90 or 120 days – assuming no issues. I do not think you will see any difference in the real world play/feel of your gun. That is, if you handed me a gun and said "Which valve is this one?" Unless I had a Qloader and I ramped the gun as high as it would go, I feel sure that I won’t be able to tell you. If I can’t tell I’m just about doubly sure no one else will be able to tell either. Really though I don’t think Qloader is going to be the big winner in this. Velocity and Halo loaders load plenty fast for me and 99% of “Real World” players and both guns already keep up with them.