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9. Februar 2003

AKA – Solenoid Upgrade für die Excalibur und Viking

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 00:00

[img]../newsimages/herstellerlogos/2003-08-06-2003-02-09-aka-logo.jpg[/img]AKA hat eine Pressemitteilung veröffentlicht, mit der Ankündigung das sie nun ein Solenoid Upgrade für ihre beiden Markierer Excalibur und Viking anbieten.Das neue Solenoidsystem agiert schneller, hat eine höhere Luftdurchflussrate und ist stromsparender im Gegensatz zu den existierenden Solenoids.Der Preis liegt bei 90,- $ für die Viking und 180,- $ für die Excalibur.Hier noch die Originalpressemitteilung:————————————————————For years, AKA has strived to bring high-quality, top performance products to the paintball market. That focus continues today with the announcement of a solenoid upgrade for Vikings and Excaliburs. The new solenoid system is faster acting, flows more air, and is more battery efficient than the existing valves. “We spent months looking at valves from various manufacturers. The valves we’re offering in this upgrade were clearly the best in performance and reliability”, states designer Aaron Alexander.Because the upgrade requires a modification to the marker body, this upgrade will only be available through the factory. Cost for the upgrade is $90 for the Viking (one solenoid and one manifold) and $180 for the Excalibur (two solenoids and two manifolds). This is not an exchange program. These prices include AKA keeping the existing solenoids. The customer pays for shipping both ways. There is no charge for labor and installation. The warranty for the marker remains the same as the original warranty. Like the circuit board, the valve carries a warranty from the original manufacturer. “As always, AKA does not change or jump just because people want to buy after-market products. We insist on our own testing and our own sense of whether a part really makes a difference in the performance of the product. Our customers buy our products because we offer the maximum in performance. This product continues to deliver on that promise,” states Larry Alexander. “This is a great performance package and you will not be disappointed.”Customers who wish to have their marker upgraded should call AKA at 317-631-7200 to make arrangement.For more information and pictures please visit the AKA Owners Group and Forum at …Dan————————————————————

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