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11. April 2005 Angel 4 Fly 3.9/4.0 Software Review

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 22:10

Ein US Spieler hat bei einen kleinen Artikel über die aktuelle Software für die Angel Fly geschrieben. In dieser Software gibt es einige Updates wie zum Beispiel den PSP, CFOA oder auch einen normalen Semi-Only Mode den man auf 15bps begrenzen kann. Mehr dazu und was "Reticule" geschrieben hat lest Ihr hier:

I visited a local proshop to see the demonstration model of the latest flagship Angel, the G7.  Fortunately, the G7s weren't in stock at the time, otherwise I might have walked away with a new sleek, blue gloss marker, and a much thinner wallet.  Instead, I decided to upgrade my Angel 4 Fly 3.5 software to the latest 3.9 revision to satisfy my curiosities.  Trevor, the local MT, swiftly executed the upgrade and walked me through the major changes.

For better or for worse, or neither?

Contraversial or not, the latest PSP and CFOA rules limit rates of fire to 15.4 and 15.2 balls per second, respectively.  Whether the consensus is in agreement or disagreement with these rules, the latest Angel 4 Fly 3.9 software provides a few more improvements than just these two modes.

Ye Ol' Faithful

Ever since I first received my Fly, Mode 1 or semi-automatic, proved to be more than adequate for me.  I have cycled and tested other modes, including demo, however none of the others appealed to me after trying them one or twice each.  Naturally during the upgrade, my first thought was of hope that Mode 1 wouldn't be affected.  On first boot, the LCD screen read „4.0“ instead of „3.9“, probably with the intention of denoting a major revision release.

Mode 1

The semi-automatic mode remains as is, with the exception of the MROF setting. Previously, the MROF setting was utilized when the eyes are turned off.  The MROF setting is now used to limit the rate of fire whiles the eyes are on.  TR and DWELL settings affect the rate of fire as on previous software.  Turning the eyes off is no longer indicated by marker discharge, but by a grip frame vibration.

Modes 2, 4, and 5

These modes remain untouched from my observations.

Demo Mode

The demo mode of 3.5 remains untouched from my observations.

New Tricks

Mode 3

On 3.5, Mode 3 was dedicated to the 3 shot burst mode, however this has been replaced with the PSP 15.4bps ramping mode. Ramping is initated by 3 consecutive shots. I am not positive of the exact rate of fire required to activate ramping, however 5bps will easily suffice. After these 3 shots are executed, the software logic appears to almost instaneously activate the maximum rate of fire set.  The ramping maximum rate of fire is adjusted through the TR setting, with a low setting lowering the rate and a high setting increasing the rate, up to about 15bps.  Eyes may be turned off in this mode.


The CFOA requirements can be achieved using Mode 1, TR 1 and with the MROF set at 15, which translates to true, non-cheating semi-automatic, limited to a maximum of 15 bps. In addition to the PSP mode and vibration while disabling eyes, the BPS counter function accuracy has been improved dramatically.  Previously, I could easily attain the  „Fame and glory of 24bps“ message on the 3.5 software, however with the increased  accuracy of the counter, I average 16bps in Mode 1, a more realistic reflection of my abilities without the assistance of firing enhancers.  It is in my opinion the increased accuracy of the BPS counter will better assist as a tool to display finger speed improvements, as opposed to scrolling novelty messages.

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