Sly Equipment ist nun auch mit einer Vertretung in Europa am Start. Aus Arras in Frankreich heraus werden die Produkte von Sly vertrieben. Am bekanntesten dürfte das Carbon Laufset sein:
21. Februar 2007
Icon Neues Trikot und Logo
Der französische CPL Aufsteiger Icon hat sein neues Trikot samt neuem Logo veröffentlicht. Die Teampage wird gerade überarbeitet und beinhaltet bisher nur das Logo.
20. Februar 2007
PSP LA Open Ticket Verkauf
Um ein PSP Event als Zuschauer zu erleben zu können ist in Zukunft eine Eintrittsgebühr von fünf Dollar pro Tag fällig. Auf der PSP Homepage ist der Ticketverkauf heute eröffent worden. Mehr Details dazu hat Keely Watson in eine Mail gepackt:
17. Februar 2007
Glenn Takemoto Pläne für 2007
Die Pläne von Glenn für das neue Jahr und warum Schule doch sein muss findet Ihr in dem Artikel den er für PBDojo und Abyss11 geschrieben hat:
Hey Everyone,
So as you all know after the whole XSV fiasco last season I have been making some, well interesting decisions in terms of what teams to play for. At the time of last season when I quit the day before San Diego event, I could have jumped on most top pro teams, however because of playing for XSV and them being complete meannies and not letting me go play in any of the Europeans or do clinics during the year, or have fun, I decided to jump on to Buschwackers because I would be able to have fun and go off and do other tournaments. So once I quit I went overseas and played the last two legs of the Centurio circuit with the Rangers and guested with Infamous for cup. The Slovakia and Greece events were awesome and it really made me think about what I wanted to do next season.
I took most of the off-season and reacquainted myself with “normal” life and catching up with old friends and family. Went back with the family to Hawaii and relaxed. Unlike the previous years, I always went off and did a lot of traveling in the off-season for paintball, went to Poland, South Africa, and Switzerland last off-season. I was completely burned out of the whole pro paintball politics and the scene, thus losing my drive to play paintball at all. I decided to make school a priority, after all I had really good grades coming out of high school and gave up going to college for paintball (I don’t regret it at all however). After taking the break, I started getting the itch again and the drive to play came back. So for this season, I am still going to play paintball however it is mostly on my terms. The next few years I will still play but school is my main priority and paintball is there because I love it. Don’t get me wrong, I still am out there every weekend trying to improve, so I am in no way giving up my drive to succeed.
Here is my theory behind this year. In any other “sport” there is no reason that a person should be bounded to one sponsor and have it go completely across the board between two different leagues. Take Nascar for example since it is the closest to paintball, the drivers racing in the Nextel series have completely different sponsors than when they decide to race in the Busch series. It is the same race and on the same track, most times it’s just a day before and the cars specs are a little different. Just like how the NPPL and PSP are paintball, but different formats. So why should it be any different for paintball. There should be no reason that a paintball team or down to the roots, the player should be bounded to one sponsor / or team when you are playing in two different formats. NPPL and X-ball are two totally separate formats of paintball and they are in no way related, so why should the sponsorships / teams be that way too. Here is where the paintball and “sponsorships” within paintball is such crap. I can write a whole lot about how I think most “sponsorships” in paintball are the biggest bunch of kaka ever. But that is not why I am writing this. So for this year, I am doing things how I think they should be, which will make some people mad but as a player this is the way it should be.
For X-ball I will be playing with Infamous AKA Oakland Assassins for LA and hopefully for the rest of the season unless anything major comes about. I think that we will do pretty dam well in the NXL this year. In all honesty we should have done way better at cup last event if it were not for our first match when we didn’t test our paint. We have a pretty solid roster. Travis, LB, Gator, Brandon, Rusty, JR, and the younger studs Kali and Eric. Roy Richards was picked up last season from XSV and I jumped on, plus we just got Jason Barrett to come on also. Not a bad looking line up.
As for the NPPL, I am still deciding on what I want to do for that, but I should know that fairly soon. I have not quite decided on what exactly I want to do for NPPL’s or what I want out of it. I might just play it for the fun of it instead of having to compete at the “highest” level.
For the Millennium series, I will be playing with Consilium Dei. I have guested with them in the past but this year I am actually going to be on their team instead of just guesting. They are playing in the CPL Pro league over there and it should be fun. It was them (with Dave and I guesting) that stopped XSV from the sweep of the Millenniums two seasons ago. These events are always fun and I love going overseas. They are going to be held in England, Germany, France, and Belgium.
For the Centurio Circuit I will be playing with the Rangers from Poland. Not a lot of people know about the series, but it draws a lot of teams and most of the tournaments are in Eastern Europe. I think the places they will be held this year are Ukraine, Poland, Greece, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Russia. I am really looking forward to this and have a blast playing in it.
I am personally sponsored by Clutch Technologies / Clutch Academy for casual clothing and they also set up clinics for me to do. It is a good company and they have the right idea of what they want. They have pros from all the teams and go out and set up clinics so the participants get people from different teams.
So as you look at it, I achieved basically what I wanted right now out of paintball. I am competing at the highest level with Infamous. I get to travel, compete, and have fun with Consilium and Rangers, and as for the NPPL, well we shall see. I can make enough to survive and all the while I am making school my main priority. I am not bounded by one sponsor, with each team I am going to use their equipment for that particular series, just like the way it should be. The only endorsement I have is Clutch, but that is perfect since it’s an individual sponsorship not a team one.
So in short, a lot of people may disagree about how I am going about my paintball “career” right now, but after last season I really do not care what those people might think. Paintball was never in my cards in life, actually I still remember making fun of my brother and calling him stupid 5 years ago when he said he wanted to play tournament paintball, but he dragged me to a tryout and look where I am today. I do not regret any of it but now I am 22, and I have my whole life ahead of me so I have to start dealing with real world things like bills, rent, setting up for the future. To all the aspiring kids out there, you can do school and play paintball, its hard but its possible (I was just lazy but I regret it now). I do not want to give up paintball as I love the sport and I would love to see it succeed in the future, but in order for me to play this season I had to do it my way. Which I was able to do, so hurray!!!! I look forward to seeing you all on the field in 07.
16. Februar 2007
BPL Details für 2007
Die BPL hat alle Details für ihr M7, M5 und M3 Liegensystem veröffentlicht. Weiterhin ist auf der BPL-Homepage ein Registrationssystem für jede einzelne Liga/Region verfügbar.