PGi #210: The Two-Faced Punk Issue
"As far as Rich Telford goes, I personally think he's a two-faced punk – and please print that."
In the words of any of the cast of Friends…
In order to find out which baller we can expect to see drinking through a straw at some point in the very near future you'll have to buy the magazine…but there's more to issue 210 than just someone's suicide note…
Boston NPPL Special: Full event report on the biggest upset in Paintball history, plus Robbo's expert analysis and an interview with Rage star and new Angel posterboy Ore Guada.
Scum Wars: We reveal the Top 10 cheats and how to defeat them
On Test: Naughty Dog Shocker & Spyder MR2
Pro Trials: Miami Raiders coach Paul Richards on how to make the cut when your local Pro team holds its next try-outs
Freedom of Speech: Dynasty explains why it's good to talk
Born 'n' Bred: Big or small, you can still ball – Micah McG on making your build work for you
The Art of Timing: Jeff Stein reveals the secrets of team management
A Year in the life of…Glen Takemoto
Plus Johnny Perchak, John Dresser, Nitro System Round-up, CFOA X-Ball, View from the Deadbox, Paintoon and More…
PGi: Less a magazine, more Rich Telford's fight promoter…