Paintball 2000 | Paintball-News Das Paintball Magazin

10. Juli 2006

Millennium Series Paris Ergebnisse

Filed under: Serien — Florian @ 10:12

Das vierte Event der Millennium Series 2006 wurde gestern erfolgreich abgeschlossen. Die ersten Ergebnisse aus dem Disneyland in Paris sind bereits bekannt:

1. Joy Stockholm
2. Oslo Menace
3. Toulouse Tontons
4. Copenhagen Ducks
5. Frankfurt Syndicate

9. Consilium Dei Zurich

Division 1
1. Chilli Peppers
2. DowBdx
3. DG Icon
4. South Coast Stealers

Division 2
1. Pretorians
2. Xtreme
3. FL Charms
4. Comin at Ya Army

Division 3
1. Outrage UK
2. 7eme Compagnie
3. Freakshow
4. Gang

1. Notorious Kids
2. FTW
3. Prophecy
4. Speedfire

5. Juli 2006

Rangking DAL Bundesliga die Tabelle

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 09:00

Orange Paintball sponsoring für Pete Utschig

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 07:10

Germany-based beORANGEd PAINTBALL is proud to announce the signing of pro paintball player Pete "Mr.U" Utschig being a beORANGEd  sponsored player.

"The DM6 is a machine gun with the precision of a sniper rifle and I could hardly believe that someone would be able to make it even more efficient but the engineers of beORANGEd managed to do it. My gun was never shooting faster, never had lesser kick and never used lesser air like it does with my S.A.M. bolt from them. Nothing beats German engineering and efficiency. Everyone knows  that they already have the best cars, tanks and machine guns in the world – now you have to add bolts to that list "says Pete.

'Mr.U' is one of the most respected players worldwide and has won pretty much everything there is to win. He now joined his old friends from IRONMEN to bring the "shield" back to the old glory. He is one of many pro players and top amateur teams that upgrade their guns with beORANGEd bolts.

"Our bolts are one of the best upgrades you can put in your marker, so it's only natural many of the best players in the world are using them" said beORANGEd president Maik van de  Braak. "Pete has had the opportunity to use a variety of upgrade bolts  in his guns, but in the end he chose beORANGEd"

Pete Utschig will be competing professionally in the NPPL, NXL & Millennium leagues using a S.A.M. bolt in his DM6. We are looking forward to working with Mr.U in the future and providing him with the best bolts there are in paintball.

With the experience and background of being a supplier to several German racing car teams  beORANGEd offers you products that will really upgrade your paintball gun and not just look good although you have to say that our bolts made out of carbon fibre are damn sexy looking too. With a beORANGEd bolt made in Germany you can change the entire way your gun performs.

Our bolts are available for all major markers, including the complete range of Dye & Proto Matrixes, Cockers, Intimidators, Spyders, IONs and many more to come soon…
Check it out for yourself at

Millennium Series TV Deal

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 07:02

Millennium Series LTD and are pleased to announce the signing of a broadcast deal with AkimboT Systems, creator of the world's largest Internet video-on-demand service for television, based in San Mateo, California.

Through this new deal, productions of Millennium European
Paintball Series events will be available all over the US market to Akimbo
Service subscribers.

Paintball will get its own channel, where productions of
Millennium Series paintball tournaments will be available.

« We are pleased to bring Millennium Series paintball movies to Akimbo, the leader in helping content companies of all sizes distribute their videos via Internet video-on-demand. We have been working hard to bring paintball to broader audiences, and the deal with Akimbo is a great step forward not only for paintball in general but also for the Millennium Series tournament visibility », stated Laurent Hamet, President of Millennium Series LTD. production company added « Akimbo is an innovative company and we are pleased to add paintball titles to its extensive video collection. Millennium Series movies will be available on Akimbo for Media Center 2005 as  well as on the upcoming RCA Akimbo Player VOD set-top box and the AT&T Homezone entertainment service » said Mathieu Luquet, General Manager. productions of the Millennium Series paintball tournaments will be available on the Akimbo Service in the fall.

« Akimbo is pleased to have's Millennium Series LTD paintball tournaments added to our diverse catalogue of world sports videos, one of the most popular categories in our collection, » said Akimbo CEO Josh Goldman. « Akimbo will help and Millennium Series LTD reach newer and bigger audiences for this high-quality, action-packed content. »

Akimbo subscribers enjoy the freedom to choose from a growing collection of 12 000 titles delivered over the internet for viewing on TV, on-demand. Akimbo 's collection of original, niche and mainstream content spans more than 100 categories, including indie flicks, TV shows, concerts, music videos, comedy, Major League Baseball games, travelogues, how-to programming, foreign language content, classic movies, documentaries, video blogs and more.

Consumers can sign up for a free trial of the Akimbo Service through the
Online Spotlight area of Microsoft Media Center Edition 2005 Pcs. A
subscription to Akimbo costs $9.99 a month. To subscribe or find more
information about what's on Akimbo, please visit

For more information on Millennium European Paintball Series, please visit

For more information on paintball movies, please  visit

4. Juli 2006

Millennium Series CPL Roster

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 17:09

Die Roster der CPL Teams wurden von der Millennium Series nach dem Madrid Event gesperrt und sind nun für jedermann online einsehbar. Die CPL Teams müssen nun ihre Squads für das M7 Spielformat aus den in den Rostern gelisteten Spielern stellen. Für die letzten beiden Events in Paris und London dürfen keine weiteren Spieler mehr nominiert werden: CPL Locked Rosters

Millennium Series CPL Roster

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 17:03

Die Roster der CPL Teams wurden von der Millennium Series nach dem Madrid Event gesperrt und sind nun für jedermann online einsehbar. Die CPL Teams müssen nun ihre Squads für das M7 Spielformat aus den in den Rostern gelisteten Spielern stellen. Für die letzen beiden Events in Paris und London dürfen keine weiteren Spieler mehr nominiert werden: CPL Locked Rosters

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