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16. Mai 2006

Virtue Ion EzOn Button

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 17:31

Virtue Paintball spendiert der Ion einen neuen Einschalter der das Bedienen deutlich erleichtern soll. Die Features des rund $12,- teuren Ion EzOn Button laut Virtue :

  • lebenslange Garantie
  • vergrößerter 3D dome bubble
  • einfacher zu bedienen selbst mit Handschuhen
  • verfügbar in fünf Farben

Trinity Paintball Custom Ion

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 17:12

Trinity Paintball hat seine erste komplette Custom Ion in drei sehr aufwendigen Eloxaten veröffentlicht. Für rund 500$ hat man die Wahl zwischen den Farben Irak Camo, Jungle Camo und Snow Camo. An den Ion befinden sich sämtliche Tuningteile die Trinity zu bieten hat:

  • T- Locking Mini Feed Neck
  • Trinity Sick Body 06
  • Trinity Roller Bearing Trigger
  • Trinity Slim Grip
  • Trinity QEV
  • Trinity Revolution Grips
  • Trinity Accurate Barrel
  • Trinity Eazy On-Off

Komplett montiert sieht die Ion dann wie folgt aus:

Hier nochmal Detailaufnahmen der Bodys mit ihrem Exloat:
Irak Camo

Jungle Camo

Snow Camo

Victory Paintball Custom VLocity

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 16:56
Victory Paintball wird auf dem Iberian Cup seine Custom VLocity Hopper anbieten. Die Hopper zeichnen sich durch ihre extravaganten Chromfarben aus. Ein spiegelglänzendes Gold oder auch ein ebenso glänzendes Rot sind bisher eher selten gesehene Farben auf dem Hopper Markt:

Hybrid Maskenbänder für Protomasken

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 07:39

Damit sollte Hybrid die erste Firma sein die Maskenbänder auch direkt für andere Masken als JT auf den Markt bringt. Die Maskenbänder haben natürlich den Contract Killer Style und sind auch sonst wie von Hybrid gewohnt sehr ansehnlich.



Shocktech Aftershock DM6

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 07:07

Zu den besonderen Features der neuen Aftershock DM6 gehören zum einen die vielen Shocktech-Tuningteile, die speziell angepassten DM5 Augen und das Virtue DM6 Board. Wer etwas ganz besonderes möchte kann die DM6 auch von einem Aftershock Spieler auf einem NXL-Event spielen lassen um so ein wirkliches Pro-Gerät zu bekommen.

Hier nun die Infos:

+ Extremely Limited Production
+ Setup Exactly as each Aftershock Player Uses It.
+ Built to Survive the Rigors of the worlds toughest
   Paintball League…. The NXL.
+ Blue Gun with Black Accents
+ Shocktech Clamping Feed Neck
+ Shocktech On / Off Bottomline OR Pro Bottomline
+ Shocktech Drop Forward #1 or Drop # 0
   *Other Drops available upon Request+ Shocktech In-Line Regulator
+ Shocktech Modified Eyes, machined aluminum eye
   positioning shims to perfectly align the DM5 Series Eyes
  and Replace the DM6 Self Cleaning Eye System
+ DM6 Virtue Board
+ Lazer Engraved Chicago Aftershock Logo
+ Dye .692 UltraLight Barrel
+ Stickers, T-Shirt, Head Wrap
+ For a limited Time… 1 FREE Hot Rod Kit for Your Halo!!!

For NO extra charge, but additional wait period required; You can pick any rostered Aftershock player you like and he’ll USE THE GUN IN AN NXL MATCH AND TURN IT OVER OR SHIP IT TO YOU AS SOON AS THE GAME IS OVER!!! Not Only will you know you’ve just purchased an authentic, proven, battle test gun, but your that much closer to your favorite player! Certificate of Authenticity Included. *Pre-Pay of order Required.

MSRP: $1499.99


15. Mai 2006

San Diego Legacy Trennung von Proto/Dye

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 17:46

Gary Show´s San Diego Legacy trennt sich von seinem langjährigem Sponsor Proto und Wechselt zu Hybrid. Das Team wird aber weiterhin die Proto Matrix schiessen sowie Proto Masken, Handschuhe und Schoner tragen. Gary Show als Eigentümer der NXL Franchise "San Diego Legacy" sagt dazu folgendes:

I am surprised that they would post a headline such as the one they did. It is a little misleading. I think there may be an article associated with the headline and it is in no way that dramatic.

Yes, I have decided to leave DYE/PROTO.. This was a terribly hard decision as I have been attached to DYE & Proto and have basicallt treated the company and the brand as if it were my own.. I have left because I simply think it was time…

I still have ownership in the PSP's.. I still have ownership in the NXL.. I still own the San Diego Legacy Franchise…
I have been helping with Hybrid and am getting more involved there.. I have been friends with lilJohn for more years than many of you have been playing paintball.. We started playing paintball together and started tournament playing together.. Our forst Team was Bad Karma back in 92'.
They have asked that I do the Sponsorships & Promotions as I did with DYE & Proto and I accepted…So I guess it is time to get Hybrid noticed out there! There are a fast growing company with a great unique look and approach to paintball…

Legacy will now be wearing Hybrid Jerseys & Hybrid Contract Killer Pants for those who follow such things.. We will debut our new 2006 Jersey in Chicago and then an entire new look again at World Cup in Orlando…We still use the PM's and use the Proto Axis masks along with their gloves and protective wear..We are looking at other sponsors as well..

My relationship with Dye is fine and my friendships with Dave, Bryon and the guys is fine so please do not read too much into this.. Rumors get started and the natural tendency is to think that someone got pissed or something.. Just not true.. It was time to move and all my close friends have been expressing this to me for a couple of years now.

It was hard but I have moved to Hybrid….


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