Virtue Paintball füllt seinen Stall mit immer mehr Paintball Prominenz. Neben Oliver Lang sind nun auch der neuste Ironmen Pete „Mr.U“ Utschig und die Teams Russian Legion sowie Aftershock offiziell von Virtue Paintball LLC gesponsort und werden die jeweiligen Boards in ihren Markieren spielen. Dazu hat Virtue eine Meldung herausgegeben:Russian Legion & Aftershock use Virtue boardsSubmitted by Christian Williams on Wed, 2006-04-12 23:33.The Russian Legion and Chicago Aftershock, two of the world’s premier professional paintball teams, have signed a multi-year deal to use Virtue boards. Virtue has also inked a deal with Pete “Mr. U” Utschig formerly of Aftershock, and now LA Ironmen player.The Russian Legion, widely regarded as one of the best and most professional teams in paintball, have upgraded their Shockers with Virtue because of Virtue’s superior eye logic and quick response time.“Virtue is the best upgrade you can do to your gun. So easy to program, and the rate of fire and eye logic are the best.” said Russian Legion player Alex Lundqvist.In addition to the Russian Legion, Chicago Aftershock, the team who won more World Cups than any other team in history now relies on Virtue to give them an extra edge on the field.Virtue’s deal with the Russian Legion and Aftershock comes on the heels of an announcement last month that pro player Ollie Lang uses Virtue and recommends it as the upgrade he puts in his DM6.Ollie’s teammate, Pete “Mr. U” Utschig of the Ironmen had this to say, “My DM6 with Virtue board puts me at a huge advantage over the competition. Virtue takes the best products and makes them even better.”Top teams from all over the world are seeing the benefits of switching to Virtue, including team Vision from France. One of the first things Vision did this year before stepping up to the pro bracket in the Millennium series is upgrade their guns with Virtue.Virtue offers the only product in paintball that will upgrade the engine of your paintball gun. Replacing your gun’s bolt or barrel will only get you so far. Virtue not only improves your gun’s performance and but also allows you to customize your gun’s settings to your liking.Virtue upgrades are available for all the major markers, including the Dye & Proto Matrix, Intimidator, Ego, Shocker, Ion and more. Check out, or better yet, visit your favorite paintball shop and upgrade the engine of your paintball gun with a Virtue board.
17. April 2006
Smart Parts Laufsocken & Mützen
Smart Parts hat eine neue Laufsockenserie sowie fünf neue Beanies vorgestellt. Die Laufsocken sind jeweils einem Smart Parts Produkt zugeordnet und mit „Anime Girls“ bedruckt. Bei den Beanies sind neben drei klassischen Modellen auch ein Visor- und ein Wechselseiten-Beanie erhältlich:
16. April 2006
Shocktech Halo Hot Rod Kit
Shocktech bietet nun alle hauseigenen Halo Tuningteile in einem Paket namen Halo Hot Rod Kit an. Das Kit besteht aus:1 Drive Cone1 Rip Drive Knob1 Anti-Jam Spring1 Speed Wheel1 Spring Cup1 Two-Piece Rip Drive Stem1 Clip[img]../newsimages/produktnews2003/2006-04-16-misc_drcone_lg.jpg[/img]
Shocktech Bottomline Combo Kits
Shocktech hat eine fast unüberschaubare Anzahl an Bottomline Kombinationen im Programm: 3 Versionen, 4 Rails/Drops und 5 Farben in zwei Finishes.Die Bottomline Adapter an sich:-On/Off Bottomline[img]../newsimages/produktnews2003/2006-04-16-OnOff_Cmb_Drp0_Slv_Dst.jpg[/img]-Pro Bottomline[img]../newsimages/produktnews2003/2006-04-16-Pro_Cmb_Drp0_Slv_Dst.jpg[/img]-3-Hole Bottomline[img]../newsimages/produktnews2003/2006-04-16-3hle_Cmb_Drp0_Slv_Dst.jpg[/img]Die Rails oder Dropforwards gibt es in 4 Versionen:[img]../newsimages/produktnews2003/2006-04-16-OnOff_Cmb_Drp0_Slv_Dst.jpg[/img][img]../newsimages/produktnews2003/2006-04-16-OnOff_Cmb_Drp1_Slv_Dst.jpg[/img][img]../newsimages/produktnews2003/2006-04-16-OnOff_Cmb_Drp2_Slv_Dst.jpg[/img][img]../newsimages/produktnews2003/2006-04-16-OnOff_Cmb_Drp3_Slv_Dst.jpg[/img]Die verfügbaren Farben in Gloss- und Dust-Finish in diversen Kombinationen kann man sich auf der Shocktech-Homepage ansehen.
15. April 2006
Vaporworks DM Series LPR Gauge Pushbutton Version
Das LPR Druck Messwerkezug von Vaporworks für die Dye Matrix Serie ermöglicht euch das genaue Ermitteln des eingestellen Drucks. Durch einen Pushbutton zum kurzen Entlüften kann man den Druckabfall beim Schuss simulieren. Preislich liegt die „DM Series LPR Gauge Pushbutton Version“ im Sortiment von Paintball Trader Inc. bei etwa 50 Dollar:[img]../newsimages/produktnews2003/2006-04-15-lpr-tool_390.jpg[/img]
13. April 2006
Millennium Series Maxs Masters M7 Spielplan
Der Spielplan für die Champions League Vorrunde der Maxs Masters in Bitburg ist nun online: Maxs Masters M7 Spielplan[img]../newsimages/teamlogos/2006-03-17-syndicate-195.gif[/img]Die Spiele des deutschen CPL Teams Frankfurt Syndicate:Freitag 15:50Uhr – 16:25Uhr, Spiel:6 Frankfurt Syndicate vs Consilium Dei ZurichSamstag 11:20Uhr – 11:55Uhr, Spiel:14 Frankfurt Syndicate vs Copenhagen DucksSamstag 17:05Uhr – 17:40Uhr, Spiel:22 Frankfurt Syndicate vs Vision PPC Grenoble[img]../newsimages/teamlogos/2006-03-17-cd195.jpg[/img]Die Spiele des deutschprachigen Team Consilium Dei Zurich aus der Schweiz:Freitag 15:50Uhr -16:25Uhr, Spiel:6 Frankfurt Syndicate vs Consilium Dei ZurichSamstag 08:40Uhr – 09:15Uhr, Spiel:10 Vision PPC Grenoble vs Consilium Dei ZurichSamstag 14:25Uhr – 15:00Uhr, Spiel:18 Copenhagen Ducks vs Consilium Dei Zurich