New Designz hat einen neuen Trigger für Shocker und Nerve entworfen. Der Shocker/Nerve „Slik“ Roller Trigger ist kugelgelagert und nur sieben Gramm schwer. Die Farben schwarz, silber, rot und blau sorgen für ein passendes Erscheinungsbild an eurer Shocker:
7. Februar 2006
New Designz Shocker „Slik“ Trigger
Millenium Series Team Referees
Die Millenium Series sucht noch willige Division1 Teams um dsa Marshalling der Saison 2006 sicherzustellen. Jedes erfahrende Div1 Team das mindestens 8 Referees stellen kann hat die Chance auf 200 Punkte sowie freie Kost und Unterkunft. Bewerben kann man sich über dieses Pdf-Formular beim Millennium Series Ref Manager.Die Pressemeldung dazu lautet:The Millennium Series is looking for team refsYou are a Division 1 team in 2006 and have plenty of ref experience?You want to increase your chances for promotion to Champions League?Or maybe you just want to improve the odds of not getting relegated at the end of the season?Either way, your team should consider to apply as refs for one event of the Millennium Series.Teams selected by the Millennium Series get• Free hotel accommodation from Thursday to Saturday• Free food and drinks on venue• Up to 200 points (like a 1st place) for the series ranking• These points count for seeding and promotion/relegationTeam ref slots are limited. If more teams apply than needed, the Millennium Series will choose carefully, considering for example ref experience gained in the Millennium Series in former years and overall ref experience, among other criteria.Important: For teams applying until February 12th , their ranking from season 2005 will be considered as well, both for selection and for their priority list, which event they want to ref!Applications for the Millennium Series Team Ref program will only be accepted until February 26th.Download the Team Ref Application Form and send it to the Millennium Series Ref Manager.
E-Money Action Sports Show
Die neuste Folge der E-Money Action Sports Show ist mit etwas Verspätung online gegangen:E-Money Action Sports Show: January 28th, 2006
Oliver Lang Statements
Ollie hat auf seiner Homepage ein Statement zu seinem Teamwechsel und den Hintergründen veröffentlicht. Als erstes könnt ihr hier sein Statement zu den Gründen lesen die ihn dazu bewegt haben Dynasty zu verlassen:Hello to all,I know this comes as a shock to everyone, including me. I never once thought that what I have accomplished and built with Dynasty would ever come to an end. This has hit me like a ton of bricks and I have had to make the decision of a lifetime. This choice was the hardest thing I have ever encountered; there are no words to describe the feeling of looking into the eyes of your best friends, that you have done so much with, and come so far with, knowing what you are about to say will undoubtedly effect them.When something of this magnitude comes your direction, you have to weigh your options and think about what you have done, and your future. For some people when all this is said and done they will be able to pack it up and have something to fall back on, not me. At this point in my life all I have is paintball, I have won every tournament and title that there is to win, not once, twice but three and four times, all by the age of 23. I have done some of the most amazing things, and been to the most amazing places, and met the greatest people in the world.This is a giant step for me to secure my future and one day, have the opportunity to provide for my family, and live a healthy comfortable life. You never know what lies in your future or what obstacles will jump in your way, and you have to be prepared. Paintball is all I have and I need to make something of the cards I have been dealt.This raises the standard of paintball and will be revolutionary in the growth of this sport. We play this sport for the love of the game, but we continue with delusions of grandeur, of what this sport may be one day, and all dream of being a professional paintball player who gets paid to do what they love to do.This raises the bar, and sets a precedent, for individuals in our sport. I will truly be the first professional paintball player, and pave the road for all the talented kids who will one day be in my position.I thank all my fans and people that have supported me in the past and will continue to be honest with them, with out them, I could never have pushed myself to become who I am. I appreciate them for everything. I am still the same person, who loves to help people and will continue to be an icon and ambassador for the sport we all love, and none of that will change.I hope you continue to support me, and my decision, for I will continue my crusade to make this sport accepted within the public’s eye. The end goal being, acceptance and understanding, so that one-day paintball will be considered a professional sport.What all my best friends have told me is “you have to do what’s best for yourself,” and this is what is best. I will be playing on the Ironmen and working for Dye from this day forward. I will continue to have the same outlook and perspective on paintball that I have now. I have a huge Heart and want to continue to do my best to win tournaments and promote this wonderful sport that we all revolve our lives around. Friends understand that you are put on this earth for yourself and what’s best for you, and if you don’t respect that and acknowledge this, you are not a true friend. Thank you for understanding. This is my life and my choice, I need to pursue my happiness.Ollie LangIronmenWeiterhin kann man auf Ollie´s Homepage eine Antwort zu Rodney Squires Posting aus der PbNation lesen. Zuerst das Posting von Rodney:Just like the rest of you this came as a pretty big shock to me. I heard about this Saturday night from a text message from BC saying „Did you hear about Ollie?“ First thing that came to my mind was something bad. As Oliver has been a friend of mine and business partner over the last 3+ years I was seriously concerned. I called BC's phone and Alex answered.Alex said to me that Oliver was debating about leaving, Dye had offered somwhere in the neighborhood of a six figure salary and some kind of extra money for a Oliver line of parts. Alex said that the rest of the owner's had offered Oliver on Saturday night $50K out of Dynasty's sponsorship budget.This plus wins could get him close to the $100K. We would have to wait for the morning. Sunday morning comes and SP steps to the plate calling Oliver at practice and offering the guy to match DYE's deal. If you say that he should leave because of the money and he has no degree and he needs to make his money now is a bunch of…………………….BSSO what is the reason for leaving your friends if the money is there? SP offer to pay him the same as DYE and he gets to win how many events with Dynasty each year? What is the real reason Oliver?I want to put this out there so people can really understand what is going on.NOW FOR THE TRUE FANS OF DYNASTYthe rest of the guys are going to need you more then ever. Cheer louder for the rest of the guys. ALEX, RYAN, BC, JOHNNY, YOSH, ANGEL, DANNY, OPIE, TODD, TYLER, QUINCY, HINMAN, ERIC, CODY, MAPP, GARETT and the rest.The core of the team has been there and won before Oliver. These guys are the best players in the world. The press has never given them their due.RodneyThe „Repairman“Team DynastyUnd als Antwort darauf Oliver Langs Posting:To all of you who will never really understand the real story unless you could talk to me in person, which is even something that Rodney did not even do before he chose to put this on the internet.Fisrt of all, I think it's funny how these opportunities arise after the decision, and path that I had already chose.When the guys made me an offer to stay for a paid salary to continue playing with Dynasty for one more year, I was Honored. It was truly an amazing gesture. The fact of the matter was that I didn't want to take money from individuals that were so kind to offer. It's not like I can't eat right now or put a roof over my head, i'm not out to make a quick buck. I am looking for long term security, I am looking for something that could secure my future for more than one year. I'm looking at the big picture, five, ten years down the line.With This opportunity I will have health benifits, insurance, and a retirement plan (401k).I will be able to learn how a company works and learn the business behind paintball. This will allow me to stay active and be a huge part in developing and innovating the best products.I never wanted to ask for anything more from Dynasty, because I just never thought that it was fair.The Guys had asked me to not make a decision for the next couple of days, until they could lock in a sponsorship deal. Since I am going to do everything in my power to win the first event in Texas, I had to be playing with the team I was most likely going to be playing with in two weeks. I didn't want to practice with Dynasty and have the role that I had on the team, and then leave them the following week.As im driving to Hollywood sports on sunday with the decision already made up knowing that I will be playing against the team that I have been playing with for the past four years (which alone is an extremely difficult thing to do). I received a phone call from Adam Gardner, which was a very amiable thing for him to do. He wanted to offer me something similar to what DYE was offering. The truth of the matter is it's not very realistic to have a job in Latrobe, PA, when I have a job 15 minutes from my house.At that point I knew that not only have I made a change for myself, but I had set a standard for all of us that want to make it in this sport. I was thinking to myself, if that offer is on the table for me, that offer is on the table for someone like Ryan, Yosh, BC, or whoever wants it. That was their money, their golden ticket to secure their future, and make something of all the hard work that they have done. Truthfully, everyone on that team desveres the world, they have earned it. It's up to you, in life, to grab it by the horns and make what you want out of it.I had given DYE my word already, and I was not about to get into a bidding war because that was never my intention. I do this because I love paintball, but when I was in high school I was so caught up in this paintball thing that I never thought about the future. I was content with traveling the world and doing what I love.This will not last forever, and unless you do somthing with it, it will all just be fond memories in the past.When this is all set and done and we want to pack it up, some people are going to have careers and financial security. I, on the other hand, do not have a college degree( which if i could go back and do it over I would have gotten an eduaction) nor well off parents. ALL I HAVE IS PAINTBALL! This was my dream, my passion, and the only thing I ever wanted to do. Guess what, my dream has come true. Those guys are my friends and family, but friends and family understand when you have to do what's right for yourself, and they support you along the path you choose.This, like I said, was by far the most difficult thing I have ever had to endure, but it will all be worth it when I can do what I love to do as my profesion and be secure in the future.The first thing I am going to do is buy my mom health insurance and pay her back for the wonderful life she has given to me. She is so proud of me in what I have done, and it is by far, very far from over!Bottom line is I don't care if you support me or understand this because my true friends, my „Family,“ and fans will.If you choose not to, its your decision, and I don't need you to be anyone of those in that case.I will continue to work hard and take the Ironmen to the top, and do my every best to succeed in my life long career decision.Thanks for taking the time to read and understand my point of view.Ollie
6. Februar 2006
Oliver Lang verlässt Dynasty
Der wohl bekannteste Paintballer der Welt verlässt das wohl bekannteste Paintballteam der Welt! Damit hatte wohl vermutlich niemand gerechnet und somit schlug die Meldung wie eine Bombe ein.Oliver Lang wird für eine sechsstellige Summe Dynasty verlassen um zukünftig bei den LA Ironmen spielen und damit bei Dye unter Vertrag zu stehen. Es ist eine persönliche Kollektion im Gespräch wodurch wohl zusätzlich Geld in Olivers Kasse kommt. Oliver Lang wird damit zum neuen Gesicht von Dye. Für die Paintballer ist das ein weiterer Schritt in Richtung Profi Sport mit allem was dazugehört: Hohe Ablösesummen, individual Verträge und der Vermarktung von Spielern als Marke.
Millenium Series M5 Pressemitteilung
Die Millennium Series hat erste Informationen zu ihrer „5 Man M5 Competition“ bekannt gegeben. Für 500 Euro Startgebühr werden den Teams 12 Spiele garantiert die Samstags und Sonntags abgehalten werden. [img]../newsimages/sonstiges2003/2006-02-06-mille-m5_big.gif[/img]Millennium 5 Man M5 competitionPlayed Saturday & Sunday onlyMinimum 12 games plus finales500 Euro entryM5 is a self seeding event. I.E. Teams that enter are randomly put into divisions of 7 for the first day (Saturday).M5 is to be played on TWO Fields adjacent to each other. Games will be started simultaneously on both fields by central start point Games will be 5 minutes long Games will start 2 minutes after game over (teams will have about 20 minutes between games only).Teams play 6 games using standard millennium rules for 5 man play, either on morning or afternoon slots.On Saturday Night teams are seeded by their score into 3 competitions for Sunday and play a further 6 games.Top 14 teams play in M5 -1, in two divisions of 7 playing 6 games each. Top 2 from each division go to finales .Next 21 teams will play in M5-2, in 3 divisions of 7 Top 1 going forward to play offs.Last 21 teams will play in M5-3, in 3 divisions of 7 Top1 going forward to play offs.