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7. Dezember 2005

PSP Formatänderungen für 2006

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 16:40

Die PSP hat die Organisation ihrer Divisionen für die Saison 2006 überarbeitet. Die NXL wird für die Top Teams der Welt geöffnet. Man kann sich also wieder auf Begegnungen wie Dynasty vs. Russian Legion freuen. Die genaue Planung über den Ablauf der einzelnen Divisionen ist folgende:NXL – The top teams in the world will compete in a closed division for the chance at a HUGE cash prize package at each event. Unlike in the past, there will a tournament winner at each event.Division 1- This division will continue to play the same format that they did in the 2005 season with the following changes: Teams will play a round-robin format within a grouping of 5 teams. Teams within a group will play in 2 ½ hour sessions over the first 2 days. Top teams will then advance to semi finals, and continue a round-robin format with new groups. A mercy rule will also be implemented. If at any point during the second half one team is winning by 7 or more points, the game will be called. Rosters will be limited at 19 people total with a minimum of 10 players. The entry fee for this division for the 2006 season will be $2650.Division 2 – This division will also play a round-robin format in groupings of 5 teams. Games will be played with a 15 minute game clock which will stop after each point scored. Division 2 games will be won when one team reaches a score of 7 points or 15 minutes of actual play time has expired. Teams will switch sides after every fourth game point has been scored. Rosters for this division will be capped at a total of 18 people. Teams will be required to carry a roster with a minimum of 7 players and maximum of 15 players. No more than 4 staff members per roster will be allowed. The entry fee for this division will remain unchanged from the 2005 season and will continue at $2350.Division 3 – This division will also play a round-robin format in groupings of 5 teams. Games will be played with a 15 minute game clock which will stop after each point scored. Division 3 games will be won when one team reaches a score of 5 points or 15 minutes of actual play time has expired. Teams will switch sides after every third game point has been scored. Rosters for this division will be capped at a total of 15 people. Teams will be required to carry a roster with a minimum of 7 players and maximum of 10 players. No more than 5 staff members per roster will be allowed. The entry fee for this division for the 2006 Season will be lowered to $2150.The updated rules for the 2006 Season will soon be available on our website at These rules will address issues from the 2005 Rulebook as well as contain updated rules regarding the new format.Changes to the 5-man division as well as Young Guns will be announced later this week too.We are very excited about these new improvements and are looking forward to a great 2006 season.

PSP Tentative Schedule

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 16:35

Paintball Sports Promotions hat einen vorläufigen Zeitplan der Saison 2006 erstellt. Die sechs Events werden jeweils die NXL und die Divisionen 1-3 beinhalten. Die vorläufigen Termine und Austragungsorte sind:PSP 2006 Season

  • South Texas – February 16th-19th
  • Las Vegas – April 20th-23rd
  • Chicago – June 22nd-25th
  • San Diego/LA – August 10th-13th
  • Northeast – September 21st-24th
  • World Cup(Disney's Wide World of Sports – Orlando, FL) – November 6th-12th

5. Dezember 2005

VLocity Video Download

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 16:57

28 Bälle Pro Sekunde feedet der neue VLocity Loader. Hier das Beweis Video mit dem VLocity auf einer WGP Black Magic Cocker …VLocity 28 BPS Video[url=““]Video Download[/url] Paintballstuff für Girls

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 16:42

Die Paintball Mafia erwirft ihre Produkte für die feminine Seite des Turnierpaintballs. Neben dem „Lady Luck Paintball Harness“, einem Battlepack speziell für Frauen, hat die PBMafia einen Schutzüberzeug für Markierer und einen Tragegurt für Druckluftflaschen im Programm:[img]../newsimages/produktnews2003/2005-12-05-pack03.jpg[/img][img]../newsimages/produktnews2003/2005-12-05-bg03.jpg[/img][img]../newsimages/produktnews2003/2005-12-05-cat.jpg[/img]

Traumaheadspotz San Diego 2005

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 16:32

Traumaheadsportz veröffentlicht seine neuste DVD zum NPPL Event in San Diego. Die rund 25 Dollar teure DVD wird von Traumahead wie folgt beschrieben:San Diego 2005Dynasty explode in their hometown in a dynamic finnish to an exciting race for the first place trophy. Witness the mayhem and the finals from all divisions.Plus a young gun interview with bear from naughty by nature and how being in a video game has changed his life.Natürlich gibt es auch einen Trailer als Internet-Stream zu sehen.

Coupe Paintballartikel

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 16:22

Die Coupe hat in der Ausgabe 12/2005 einen Artikel über Paintball veröffentlicht. Der Autor dürfte dem einen oder anderen Paintballer bekannt sein:

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