Der US Hersteller SystemX präsentiert seine Produkte ab sofort auf einer neuen Website. Dazu hat der Hersteller auch eine Pressemitteilung veröffentlicht, die wir natürlich nicht vorenthalten möchten.System-X has just released our completely renovated site to thepaintball community.We have listened attentively to our customer's suggestions and designedthe site around their needs and desires. The site is built with easy touse icons, brand new sections, and the latest in professionalphotography and graphic design.Marketing director Ty Evenson said:“We have redesigned the site to fulfill all of the requests of ourcustomers, including 4 new sections that will be updated frequently.GIRL OF THE MONTH, GIVE-AWAYS, PRODUCT SPECIALS, and PHOTO OF THE WEEKare all designed to keep customers coming back to the site regularly.We are very excited about the new face of SYSTEM-X and we hope that ourefforts are well received by the paintball community.“Please see the site at www.SYSTEMX.comfor any further questions please contact Ty Evenson [email protected][img]../newsimages/webnews2003/2005-07-20-systemx-website.jpg[/img]
20. Juli 2005
Paintball Games International Ausgabe 197
Die Ausgabe # 197 der PGI ist ab sofort erhältlich, dazu die Original Beschreibung der Macher:The Boy Scout Issue??? What in the name of Johnny Perchak do those guys at PGi think they're doing filling a magazine with Boy Scouts? The only person who'll buy it is Michael Jackson, and he's so broke he's got Bubbles turning tricks on Sunset…Admit it, that's what you thought, right?Right?OK, stay in denial…#197 is indeed The Boy Scout Issue because it's all about Being Prepared. As your cranky old uncle with the wooden leg and valium problem no doubt always tells you, failing to prepare is preparing to fail, and what kinda rag would we be if we allowed you to becomes failures?Ultimate Field Prep: We took the plans of two NPPL fields from Tampa and two of the Pro teams that played them. We then applied thumbscrews and Chinese water torture until they told us exactly how they approached the fields, what plans they drew up, how they worked in real time and how they changed them up when they didn't.Start-Finish: King of tha Naughty Dog pound Rocky Knuth reveals more of the Portland powerhouse's tactical tricks.Tech Style: Ever wondered what life is like in an NXL pit, or what the demands of teching for a top Pro team are? Well wonder no more – we get the inside scoop from the uber gun techs behind Baltimore Trauma, Avalanche, Infamous and the Oakland Assasins.On Test: First look at the XSV Ego, Tippmann Pro Custom and ViewLoader Maxxis.Meet in the Middle: Philly Americans pint-size playah Dan The Snack Man reveals the secrets of playing center.Free Agent: Cn't/won't hook up with a team but still want to play the majors? Dave Amman on the ins and outs of being a gun for hire.Dead Man's Dance: Nicky Truter resurrects the infamous dead man's walk – how to do it, how to spot it, and how to beat it.Mind of the Millennium: Robbo peers deep inside the Euro tourney scene to try and fathom out where Europe should go next.PSP Chicago, 7-Man World Cup Paris & CFOA Rocky Top tournament reportsPlus: Inside Chicago Evil, ProGear with Glen Takemoto, View from the Deadbox, new stuff from Tadao, Halo and Planet and much much more.PGi: For the inner Boy Scout in everyone[img]../newsimages/produktnews2003/2005-07-20-pgi-cover197.jpg[/img]
Bawls Guarana Debüt der Sno Bawls in Denver
Bawls Guarana debütieren in Denver ihr neues Produkt Sno Bawls. Dabei handelt es sich um eine gefrorene Variante des Koffeindrink. Siehe dazu auch die Pressemitteilung von Bawls Guarana.**MEDIA ALERT** **MEDIA ALERT** **MEDIA ALERT**BAWLS GUARANA TO DEBUT SNO BAWLS AT THE SOLD OUT 2005 NPPL SUPER 7 WORLD SERIES EVENT IN DENVER BAWLS Guarana, the premier caffeinated soft drink on the market, will launch its newest product, Sno BAWLS, a frozen version of the caffeinated drink, at the upcoming NPPL Super 7 World Series event in Denver. BAWLS, the official soft drink of the National Professional Paintball League, is a favorite among paintball enthusiasts. Offering the same refreshingly crisp taste and powerful rush of caffeine as the original, this new frozen concoction is the perfect relief from the summer heat.BAWLS Guarana, with its distinctive blue bottle, is the brainchild of entrepreneur Hoby Buppert, President of Hobarama LLC. BAWLS is a premium, non-alcoholic, carbonated beverage made from the guarana berry from the Amazonian rainforest that has more than twice the amount of caffeine found in coffee. The company also recently launched sugar-free BAWLS Guaranexx and BAWLS Mints.Please visit us at our booth at the NPPL Super 7 World Series event to experience the new Sno BAWLS and our other products.DATE: Friday, July 22 – Sunday, July 24PLACE: Outside of Invesco Field at Mile High Stadium, Denver, ColoradoMedia Inquiries: ROC MEDIA Maile Rodriguez , 305-775-2939 or [email protected] Lyndsey Cooper , 917-846-9450 or [email protected]
19. Juli 2005
Arsenal G7 WDP-Teamgun
Mit der Arsenal G7 veröffentlicht WDP eine weitere Teamgun. Die Arsenal-Teamgun soll exklusiv über die Master Techs vertrieben werden und auch durch diese mit allen neu ntwickelten Extras nachgerüstet werden. Bislang existiert nur eine Computeranimation des Markierers aber die lässt bereits auf ein sehr gelungenes Aussehen der Arsenal G7 schliessen:[img]../newsimages/produktnews2003/2005-07-19-ag7.jpg[/img] Code 242 Review
Warpig untersucht das „Code 242“ Akku System für den Halo Hopper. Mit reichlich Text, Bildern und Messergebnissen versehen kommt das Review in typischer Warpig Qualität daher:
Wicked Air Aportz veröffentlicht ihr neues micro-Equalizer Universal-Board. Das µEQ soll in jedem Markierer funktionieren und unterscheidet sich jeweils nur im Kabelbaum. Durch die sehr kleine Bauform sollte es auch wirklich in jeden Markierer passen. Die Größe des Boards auf den Bildern soll sich beim Produktionsmodell noch einmal halbieren.[img]../newsimages/produktnews2003/2005-07-19-ueq1.jpg[/img][img]../newsimages/produktnews2003/2005-07-19-ueq2.jpg[/img][img]../newsimages/produktnews2003/2005-07-19-ueq3.jpg[/img][img]../newsimages/produktnews2003/2005-07-19-ueq4.jpg[/img]Über die genauen Features ist noch nichts bekannt es sollen aber in der nächsten Zeit weitere Infos zum EQ veröffentlicht werden:While the competition is still trying to play catch-up with our technology, and are busy copying things that we invented (trigger programming, Debounce(tm), Forced Eye Modes, etc.) we have been taking hardware to the next level.The µEQ(tm) [micro-Equalizer] is the latest hardware that we are close to releasing. This hardware features a CPU that is twice as fast as anything we previously have used, offering a hardware level trigger scan rate of an unprecedented 2 million times per second! The pictures shown above are of an early prototype that is nearly twice the size as our current model!This new board is a universal board. Simple header plugs for whatever application you might need (DM4, Intimidator, Viking, Shocker, etc.) will be readily available. By using a single board for all markers, we can keep the cost of the board down due to the large volume. The various header plugs will be priced based on their complexity. We hope to keep the board itself in the sub-$50 range!Remote updating will be possible using our new patent-pending communication interface. This interface offers a simple wireless solution for updating boards, obtaining information, and tweaking settings. A simple plug-on adapter for the Equalink will be available. No more opening the grip.Of course, all of the normal features that you come to expect from Equalizer boards will be part of the standard programming.