Mit der Hilfe von PbNation überträgt die NPPL auch ihr Denver Event live ins Internet. Die Details dazu gibt die NPPL in einer Pressmeldung auf ihrer Homepage bekannt:Once again PbNation, NPPL and Pure Promotions will be teaming together to produce the world’s only live web cast of professional paintball during the Denver NPPL Super 7 World Series, July 22-24.Four live cameras with sound will be delivering high-quality web casting in real-time from the NPPL field during the Denver event. Thousands are expected to view the Denver event via the PbNation Mega Cams and free cam links. Viewers have the option to control which camera angles they see on their computers, including the “snake cam”, back cam and dual cam.During past events viewers not able to attend the events held “Mega Cam” parties and like Super Bowl parties invited friends over to watch the live event on big screen TVs hooked up to computers projecting the live web cast.Thousands of viewers are expected to remotely attend this event via the connection offered by the PbNation Mega Cam.Over 24 hours of live web casting coverage will be delivered during the Denver NPPL event including live coverage of the Pro teams competing on the main NPPL field. Live coverage of the finals on Sunday is also included in the PbNation Mega Cam ticket price.Tickets for the live PbNation Mega Cam coverage go on sale July 3, at the store on PbNation Mega Cam coverage will also be broadcast in the VIP area and in the WDP booth for the Denver event.The NPPL Super 7 World Series is the only professional paintball tournament with live worldwide web casting coverage.PbNation is the leading source for information about paintball. It offers discussion, tips, troubleshooting, professional team forums, news, reviews, links, and the world largest used buy/sell/trade marketplace. PbNation is the largest daily publisher of paintball related information producing over 930,000 pages per day. PbNation is a Bronze sponsor of the 2005 NPPL Super 7 World Series.
8. Juli 2005
Gesamtwertung nach 3 von 5 Events
Die Millenium Series hat die Gesamtergebnisse der einzelnen Divisionen online gebracht. Nach drei von fünf gespielten Events sehen die Plazierungen wie folgt aus:Champions LeagueDiv 1Div 2Div 3
7. Juli 2005
Pb2k Downtime Festplattencrash
Wie ihr sicher gemerkt habt konnte seit dem Dienstag mittag nicht mehr erreicht werden. Durch einen Festplattencrash sind uns die Beiträge des letzen Monats verloren gegangen. Die Reparaturarbeiten sind mittlerweile beendet und wir werden euch ab sofort wieder den gewohnten News-Service bieten.Eurer Paintball2000-Team