WDP der bekannte Hersteller von Markierern, Luftsystemen und Bekleidung aus UK hat heute eine Pressemitteilung zum Thema PSP Mode und damit Ramping in der Millennium Series veröffentlicht. Man sollte erwähnen das WDP einen großen Teil von Pure Promotions und daher einem Teil der NPPL ausmacht. In der NPPL gab es Anfang des Jahres Gerüchte dass Ramping eingeführt werden soll, warum dies nicht geschehen ist kann man aus dieser Pressemitteilung herausinterpretieren.Due to the ongoing uncertainty surrounding the allowance of the PSP ramping mode at Millennium events WDP feels that there is a need to clarify its position with regard to the use of our Angel Paintball Markers at forthcoming Millennium events, which is as follows.WDP does not recommend the use of the PSP ramping mode at Millennium events and especially so under the current circumstances and instead recommends that you use your Angel markers in True Semi Mode only, capped at 15BPS. We are taking this stance due to the fact that we believe the use of ramping modes in a Millennium tournament environment may lead to an increased likelihood of injuries and without written authorisation from the Millennium organisers to use such modes we feel that it is unclear who will shoulder the responsibility for any such injuries.First and foremost WDP takes its responsibilities as a manufacturer of safe Paintball markers very seriously and does not wish to encourage the use of a mode that may lead to injuries. Secondly, due to the lack of clarity from the Millennium organisation on this issue it is also unclear who would be held responsible for any injury resulting from the use of the PSP mode at Millennium events. WDP is not prepared to accept this risk and strongly advises that its customers adopt the same position.As we all know being involved in an incident which resulted in a serious injury would be bad enough; however being involved in such an incident without the certainty of knowing who would be held responsible would further serve to compound the situation for all parties concerned.In addition to this any player caught using a gun in a ramping mode could also be banned from the event under the existing printed Millennium rules. Please think very carefully before placing yourselves in such a position.“For further information and software upgrades that enable you to cap your rate of fire to 15BPS (with eye on) please visit the WDP tech booth in Amsterdam.
1. Juni 2005
OneFL.de Video der DPL Bundesliga
Die Jungs von OneFL haben ein kleines ansehnliches Video vom ersten Spieltag der DPL Bundesliga erstellt. Die Datei liegt im mpeg Format vor und kann über die Website www.onefl.de oder über diesen direkten Link heruntergeladen werden.
E-Money Action Sports 28. Mai 2005
Heute wurde bei 68caliber.com eine neue Folge der E-Money Action Sports Show veröffentlicht. Die Folge wurde bereits am 28. Mai aufgenommen und in ihr unterhalten sich Chris und Evan über einige Prospieler wie Oliver Lang & Rocky Knuth, Rapper in Paintball, Videospiele und einiges mehr.
WXPs GHTP Offizielles Forum
Das XBOX Spiel Greg Hastings Tournament Paintball, welche in kürze als GHTP Max'ed in überarbeiteter Form auch für andere Konsolen und PC erscheinen wird, hat nun von den Machern GXP ein offizielles Forum erhalten. Erreichen kann man dieses unter www.ghtp.net/forum
Face-Full Ausgabe 29
Anfang Juni und die 29. Ausgabe der Face-Full ist da, hier ist die Originalpressemitteilung dazu:
Be American… Or die tryin'.
After a couple of years in the doldrums, the Philadelphia All Americans have stepped back in the heavyweight pro ring by taking the NXL title two years in a row. Will they repeat? What's their secret? And how many people are really on their roster? But ‘Philly', as they are commonly referred to, has some real franchise backing in Smart Parts, one of paintball's most secretive brands. For the first time since the release of the Ion, a powerful electro marker that retails for under $300, and in his first exclusive interview in two years, Adam Garner, CEO of the company speaks on Philly, their recent sponsorship of triple world champion Team Dynasty, the patent wars that they have initiated, their status as one of the last leading independent paintball brands, the attacks made on their image, their instrumental role in getting the NXL on television…. and ultimately, the American Dream.
And there are many who try…
So how do you get on a good team's roster? Whatever you do, don't write a letter that starts like this: “Dear captain, Hi my name's Jessie but they call me the fast flip. I just have a couple of questions because I'm not sure who I want to play for: you guys, Dynasty or Avalanche…” Rich Telford took it upon himself to give a straight answer in this issue's Speaker's Corner. And it's not pretty. On the other side of the pond, lead Nexus strategist Anthony Ledz gives you his view on how to pick the right players, and how to keep the odds in your favor when trying to join teams. And because you're really desperate, we've uncovered the fastest growing underground paintball business: pro clinics. We'll tell you who's really making the money…
Barrels, bolts and bits. Customizing your marker is as ancient a practice as paintball itself. We'll give you our top 6 of the world's coolest accessories for your marker; that and the usual gear, news, shopping, tests. You also get a full report and analysis of the PSP in Orlando , the Millennium's Germany leg and a special tribute to Konstantin Fedorov ( Boston Red Legion) who has been dubbed ‘the new Oliver Lang' of paintball.
So click HERE for the full animated preview
This June… It's an American Showdown.
The Pretenders are back