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22. April 2005

BP International: Paintball Netze

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 15:46

In zwei bis drei Wochen gibt es neue Sicherheitsnetze für den Paintball Sport, diese wurden extra von BP International entwickelt. Die Netze sind grobmaschiger und lassen daher mehr Wind durch, sollen aber genauso gut wie andere Netze die Paintballs abfangen. Daher soll es möglich die Aufwendungen für die Instandhaltung zu verringern.

BP International announced the introduction of SafeZone(TM) Netting, a newly developed product for the paintball industry.

„We are very excited about this product, because it is the first of several from our Mexico facility that are now ready for distribution,“ said Larry Ball, BP International CEO. „One of our primary goals for the Mexico plant was to take products that were already being widely used, and then make them a lot better. SafeZone Netting, for the paintball industry, is an example of the type of improvements we are making to existing products specifically for niche markets. This extra tough fabric will be used to completely surround a paintball field.“

Ball explained that, traditionally, the paintball industry has had to make do with fabrics designed for the agriculture industry. These are often strong enough, but they are so dense that they require constant maintenance. „When you are hanging this netting 20' in the air in windy conditions, you are going to have problems if your netting is too dense. It will catch the wind like a sail. Our goal has been to design and manufacture a product that has the strength characteristics that paintball requires, but the mesh is open enough to reduce wind load. This will significantly reduce maintenance costs. We've accomplished our goal…and the new product will be on shelves within two-three weeks.“

Dutch Magrath, president of Amusement Products, LLC, which manufactures paintball fields and distributes paintball equipment, describes the need for a netting product specifically targeting the paintball industry's unique applications. „In paintball, there is always the potential for blow-through – which is when the netting is shot at extremely close range and can't stand up to the pressure. Some of the nets out there will break the first time they are shot. In the past, Larry at BPI has done a good job of getting us a product that was better than most of them out there. We have already tested this new netting product, and look forward to receiving our first order.“

Magrath estimated that by 1998 there were approximately 4-5 million paintball players in the United States. Today that number is close to 12 million, and growing steadily again after a slight slow-down in the early 2000's.

„This product does what no other product has done for paintball,“ Larry Ball continued. „It's tough and it's lightweight. It's the perfect example of what the Mexico facility can do for us: take products we've already been selling and improve them based on the needs of a specific market. There are several other products developed at that facility and now ready for introduction. Like SafeZone Netting for paintball, they are products designed for important but previously overlooked niche markets – markets we've already been serving, but with a product that had a more broad-based application that may not have been perfectly suited for this specific use. Previously, it was just too expensive to produce such products. Now we have the capability, and we are aggressively going after these growing industries.“

For more information, visit

VPD Lazerball

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 15:38

Vengeance Paintball Distributors kündigen mit ihren Lazerballs einen wiederverwertbaren Paintball an, den man auch Outdoor verwenden kann. Der Hersteller hat dazu eine vielversprechende Pressemitteilung veröffentlicht. Allerdings bleibt die Frage, wie viel Prozent der Lazerballs nach einem Spieltag noch im Bestand sind.

Vengeance Paintball Distributors announces the introduction of re-usable paintballs for OUTDOOR training facilities

Vengeance Paintball Distributors is pleased to announce that it is now carrying the LAZERBALL re-usable paintball product.

REBALL, the European innovation, was recently introduced into the United States and has given serious players a major boost in the wallet, allowing them to conduct high-intensity practice sessions without the associated high cost of paintballs.

Now, VPD takes that opportunity one step further with the introduction of the OUTDOOR, re-usable paintball, the LAZERBALL.

LAZERBALL technologies was the first company to introduce a re-usable paintball in the late 1990s, and were issued patent #5,967,916 for their efforts.

Lazerballs are used in indoor arenas and as a paintless substitute for projectiles in military and police training applications.

Vengeance Paintball Distributors went one step further and discovered that LAZERBALLS are perfect for converting ANY existing outdoor arenaball field into a paintless training facility.

VPD is pleased to bring this discovery to field owners and teams across the country;  this new application of the LAZERBALL will simultaneously allow any field owner to offer team training at their existing facility, and allow teams to practice exactly the way they play!

Lazerballs have the unique property of losing all energy and momentum after they have impacted an airball bunker, which causes them to immediately drop to the ground:  there’ll be no paint flying off the field.  Lazerballs can easily be recovered from the field with a rake or leafblower.  Lazerballs area easily washed in the clothes washer or dishwasher, quickly dry out and can be re-used at least 600 times per ball.

All an interested field owner will need is an airball field, regulation netting and a few teams.  Charge by the hour instead of by the ball!

Teams will want to know that Lazerballs can be shot at other players at a full 300 FPS, work well with all loaders, weigh the same as paintballs and fly just like paintballs.

For more information about using Lazerballs for team practice, or assistance in setting up your outdoor training facility, please contact VPD at (386) 437-7220

Visit us at

VForce Vantage Offiziell in Produktion

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 15:28

Beim PSP World Cup 2004 wurde die VForce Vantage Mask vorgestellt (wir berichteten hier), war aber noch nicht in großen Stückzahlen verfügbar. Sie ist jetzt in Produktion gegangen. Die Maske hat keinen Schaumstoff mehr, sondern einen sehr leicht zu reinigen Gummi. Die Zielgruppe für diese Maske sind Spielfeldbetreiber, welche ihre Verleihmasken so schnell wie möglich pflegen und weiterverleihen möchten. Wir haben dazu die Pressemitteilung von VForce:

PRESS RELEASE: For Immediate Release

VForce Vision Systems, Montreal, Canada

FREE SAMPLE of Vantage FieldVision™ offered by VForce Vision Systems™.

Launched at the 2004 World Cup, the truly revolutionary Vantage FieldVision is now in full production, and Operators around the globe are re-discovering the real meaning of Joy. In response to requests from Field and Site Operators, the Vantage FieldVision save tons of time and money by literally eliminating the troublesome foam that has plagued operators for decades. Instead of foam, the facial gasket is made from a comfortable, soft rubber Instant-Dry Foamless design, enabling Operators to CLEAN, DRY, AND RE-RENT these new masks in just a few moments. The stinky problems of wet rental foam are now History!

Together with standard VForce time-and-money savers like Quick-Change™ lenses and VForce's legendary patented “ThermoCured” AntiFog, the Vantage is virtually formed from the wishes and dreams of Field and Site Operators everywhere. Vantage FieldVision masks use the proven VForce Armor™ Lens to make Fleet changeovers easy for any size operator.

Testimonial comments from Site Operators who helped in the development of the FOAMLESS VANTAGE mask:

“… VForce's new foamless Vantage FieldVision Goggle… Great idea! With over a thousand rental goggles, we used to spend a lot of time and money fixing and replacing foam. But with the new foamless Vantage rentals, – Voila…Gone! – that expense is now out the window.
When you couple that with the hygiene benefits, reduced drying time, cool look and VForce anti-fog and quick change lenses, we love the new Vantage FieldVision!
I plan to change over the entire fleet! Nice Job!”

Paul Fogal, owner

Operator: Skirmish USA – World's Largest Paintball Site

Promoter: “Skirmish D-Day” and “World Record Big Game” Scenario Events


“You guys are GENIUSES! You're gonna get the whole Rental Market! No more Foam? Are you kidding! And Quick-Change Lenses and everything? These are unbelievable. You did it! FANTASTICO!”

Giovanni D'Egidio

SC Village / Hollywood Sports Park – The world busiest Paintball GameFields

Promoter: Cal Jam Tournament and many more.


“That's it. I'm changing over the whole Rental Fleet, 100 masks at a time. You guys did it again!”

Dave Massey

Operator: Exotic Sportz / Hell Survivors
Promoter: World Record “Monster Game®”, Tippmann World Challenge, and others.


FREE SAMPLE of Vantage FieldVision™ offered by VForce Vision Systems™ through National Paintball Supply.

To Order: 1.800.346.5815

More Information:

20. April 2005

Maxs European Masters 2005 Draw

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 15:10

Zur Freude vieler ist seit heute der Draw für das Auftaktevent der Millennium Series in Deutschland – den Maxs European Masters 2004 – online.

Wir haben die PDF-Datei natürlich für euch: Maxs European Masters 2005 – Draw

19. April 2005

WDP: G7 Video

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 20:16

WDP hat ein Video zur neuen G7 auf seiner Homepage. Darin wird kurz auf die Neuentwicklungen eingegangen und man sieht einen WDP Mitarbeiter den Markierer schiessen:WDP G7 Video

PbStar: NPPL HB 2005 Clip 2

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 20:04

Der Paintballstar hat ein weiteres (hier das erste) Video zum Huntington Beach Event online:PbStar: NPPL HB 2005 Clip 2

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