Betreffend der berichtenden Medien hat die Millennium Series heute eine Pressemitteilung veröffentlicht, mit Informationen zu den beiden unterschiedlichen Arten von Zugangspässen und wer überhaupt berechtigt ist einen der Ausweise zu bekommen. Unten könnt Ihr Euch die Pressemitteilung durchlesen und findet direkt im Text einen Link zum Bewerbungsformular der Millennium Series.
Millennium Series Rules 2005 – Media Registration Press Release
To ease the process of issuing media passes we request that media representatives complete the „Media Waiver“ (PDF can be found on or here) and fax it to this number: +49-6087-989115.
If you have a (international) press pass issued by an official government/media agencies etc. please add this document. If you have any further questions or if you are interested in becoming a media partner of the Millennium Series please contact our media coordinator Lars Herzig: [email protected] .
In general press passes are only granted to experienced photographers/reporters who have no affiliation with a team competing on the field. Credentials may not be „shared“ with any one. Representatives must obey all requests by Millennium employees including referees while on the field. Any one found posing as such a media representative with or without the proper credentials and proves to violate the rules will be asked to leave the event and will no longer be granted media access at any Millennium Series event.
There are two levels of access available to paintball media organizations.
If you are working for a non-paintball related media organization please get in contact with the Media Department to check your status and the availability of press passes. Also if you are interested in filming at any of the events you should first contact Lars Herzig at [email protected].
1) All Access Pass
Only official (paintball related) MEDIA PARTNERS of the Millennium Series can get a maximum of two „All Access“ passes per agency/magazine. These passes allow you to take pictures/interviews on all fields and in the players' area on all three tournament days.
2) Limited Access Pass
All non media partners of the Millennium Series working for a paintball media organization can get a maximum of two „Limited Access“ passes per agency/magazine. These passes allow you access to the non-center fields on the first two days of the event but no access to the center fields on any of the three days and also no access to the players' area.
Media Department
Lars Herzig
[email protected]
Karlijn van Rongen
[email protected]