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11. April 2005

Millennium Series: Media Registration

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 22:29

Betreffend der berichtenden Medien hat die Millennium Series heute eine Pressemitteilung veröffentlicht, mit Informationen zu den beiden unterschiedlichen Arten von Zugangspässen und wer überhaupt berechtigt ist einen der Ausweise zu bekommen. Unten könnt Ihr Euch die Pressemitteilung durchlesen und findet direkt im Text einen Link zum Bewerbungsformular der Millennium Series.

Millennium Series Rules 2005 – Media Registration Press Release

To ease the process of issuing media passes we request that media representatives complete the „Media Waiver“ (PDF can be found on or here) and fax it to this number: +49-6087-989115.

If you have a (international) press pass issued by an official government/media agencies etc. please add this document. If you have any further questions or if you are interested in becoming a media partner of the Millennium Series please contact our media coordinator Lars Herzig: [email protected] .

In general press passes are only granted to experienced photographers/reporters who have no affiliation with a team competing on the field. Credentials may not be „shared“ with any one. Representatives must obey all requests by Millennium employees including referees while on the field. Any one found posing as such a media representative with or without the proper credentials and proves to violate the rules will be asked to leave the event and will no longer be granted media access at any Millennium Series event.

There are two levels of access available to paintball media organizations.

If you are working for a non-paintball related media organization please get in contact with the Media Department to check your status and the availability of press passes. Also if you are interested in filming at any of the events you should first contact Lars Herzig at [email protected].

1) All Access Pass

Only official (paintball related) MEDIA PARTNERS of the Millennium Series can get a maximum of two „All Access“ passes per agency/magazine. These passes allow you to take pictures/interviews on all fields and in the players' area on all three tournament days.

2) Limited Access Pass

All non media partners of the Millennium Series working for a paintball media organization can get a maximum of two „Limited Access“ passes per agency/magazine. These passes allow you access to the non-center fields on the first two days of the event but no access to the center fields on any of the three days and also no access to the players' area.

Media Department
Lars Herzig
[email protected]

Karlijn van Rongen
[email protected] Angel 4 Fly 3.9/4.0 Software Review

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 22:10

Ein US Spieler hat bei einen kleinen Artikel über die aktuelle Software für die Angel Fly geschrieben. In dieser Software gibt es einige Updates wie zum Beispiel den PSP, CFOA oder auch einen normalen Semi-Only Mode den man auf 15bps begrenzen kann. Mehr dazu und was "Reticule" geschrieben hat lest Ihr hier:

I visited a local proshop to see the demonstration model of the latest flagship Angel, the G7.  Fortunately, the G7s weren't in stock at the time, otherwise I might have walked away with a new sleek, blue gloss marker, and a much thinner wallet.  Instead, I decided to upgrade my Angel 4 Fly 3.5 software to the latest 3.9 revision to satisfy my curiosities.  Trevor, the local MT, swiftly executed the upgrade and walked me through the major changes.

For better or for worse, or neither?

Contraversial or not, the latest PSP and CFOA rules limit rates of fire to 15.4 and 15.2 balls per second, respectively.  Whether the consensus is in agreement or disagreement with these rules, the latest Angel 4 Fly 3.9 software provides a few more improvements than just these two modes.

Ye Ol' Faithful

Ever since I first received my Fly, Mode 1 or semi-automatic, proved to be more than adequate for me.  I have cycled and tested other modes, including demo, however none of the others appealed to me after trying them one or twice each.  Naturally during the upgrade, my first thought was of hope that Mode 1 wouldn't be affected.  On first boot, the LCD screen read „4.0“ instead of „3.9“, probably with the intention of denoting a major revision release.

Mode 1

The semi-automatic mode remains as is, with the exception of the MROF setting. Previously, the MROF setting was utilized when the eyes are turned off.  The MROF setting is now used to limit the rate of fire whiles the eyes are on.  TR and DWELL settings affect the rate of fire as on previous software.  Turning the eyes off is no longer indicated by marker discharge, but by a grip frame vibration.

Modes 2, 4, and 5

These modes remain untouched from my observations.

Demo Mode

The demo mode of 3.5 remains untouched from my observations.

New Tricks

Mode 3

On 3.5, Mode 3 was dedicated to the 3 shot burst mode, however this has been replaced with the PSP 15.4bps ramping mode. Ramping is initated by 3 consecutive shots. I am not positive of the exact rate of fire required to activate ramping, however 5bps will easily suffice. After these 3 shots are executed, the software logic appears to almost instaneously activate the maximum rate of fire set.  The ramping maximum rate of fire is adjusted through the TR setting, with a low setting lowering the rate and a high setting increasing the rate, up to about 15bps.  Eyes may be turned off in this mode.


The CFOA requirements can be achieved using Mode 1, TR 1 and with the MROF set at 15, which translates to true, non-cheating semi-automatic, limited to a maximum of 15 bps. In addition to the PSP mode and vibration while disabling eyes, the BPS counter function accuracy has been improved dramatically.  Previously, I could easily attain the  „Fame and glory of 24bps“ message on the 3.5 software, however with the increased  accuracy of the counter, I average 16bps in Mode 1, a more realistic reflection of my abilities without the assistance of firing enhancers.  It is in my opinion the increased accuracy of the BPS counter will better assist as a tool to display finger speed improvements, as opposed to scrolling novelty messages.

Copenhagen Ducks: Sponsoren 2005

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 22:03

In einer Pressemitteilung hat das dänische Proteam Copenhagen Ducks heute seine Sponsoren für die Saison 2005 bekannt gegeben. Nach langjähriger Zusammenarbeit mit Smart Parts, DraXxuS und Planet Eclipse trennt man sich von diesen und wechselt zu Indian Creek Designs, Ricochet, Sport Attitude, MacDev, Reballs und weiteren…

Hier die komplette Mitteilung:

First we would like to take a moment to thank Smart Parts, Draxxus and Planet for many years of positive and mutually beneficial collaboration. We are sad we could not stay with people we have come to consider some of our best friends in paintball, but unfortunately the time had come for us to part ways

For 2005 we are extremely pleased to have signed with Sports Attitude , who will be supplying the team with Nelson paintballs as well as JT goggles, JT uniforms and the JT Skinz line.

The Copenhagen Ducks are also very happy to having signed with Indian Creek Designs – and that we will shoot the Freestyle in the times ahead. We tested the gun, and it simply blew our minds – we are absolutely STUNNED the market has not yet discovered this gem in a big way!

Pursuant to our agreement on the Freestyle, we are extremely pleased to make public our agreement with Knutec , to use and sell the famed NOX board in Europe.

To make our Freestyles absolutely perfect, we have further entered into an agreement with STD Industries to supply us with their JDS LPR. No LPR on the market recharges as fast or is as consistent as the JDS from STD Industries.

Another new signing of the Copenhagen Ducks, is one we are extremely exited about. NeoTech ProGear in New Zealand, has not only chosen to sponsor the Copenhagen Ducks, but also to grant us exclusive European and North American distribution of the full line of products from NeoTech ProGear.

Furthermore we have reached an agreement with Ricochet to use their 2005 Apache LCD loader. The new version of the Apache LCD feeds 18 BPS effortlessly! Ricochet will also be supplying the team with their high quality barrel and loader swabs.

The Copenhagen Ducks have also signed with Australian based company Macdev , and their European distributors OPB to sport the LegionAir air system, the Matchstik barrel line, the Gladiator inline regulator and the Sonic ASA in 2005. We look forward to work with these two companies, that both stand for high quality and honesty in the market.

Further, we are pleased to announce the continued support from Reball . – Reball has revolutionised the way we train and our game. Because of Reball, the Copenhagen Ducks are now able to practice 4 times a week, and doing it with re-usable Reballs.

Last, we are happy to confirm the team will again in 2005 enjoy the support of Luxfer Gas Cylinders . The ONLY cylinder manufacturer in the world that is directly involved with paintball as a sport and who sponsors teams.

E-Money Action Sports Show

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 17:10

Die neuste Episode der E-Money Action Sports Show ist online. E-Money Action Sports Show: April 10, 2005Comedian John Gold joins Evan and Chris to talk to Young Choi from Paintball.Com and Chris Raehl of the NCPA.

WDP News

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 17:01

WDP hat einige Informationen zu den Themen WDP-Teams, Airtime Armor und G7 veröffentlicht: Die Teams Colorado Shooters, Wicked und Chicago Torq werden in der NPPL zukünftig die WDP Farben vertreten. Die Airtime Armor genannten WDP Schoner sind nun verfügbar. Der neue G7 Markierer wird nur über eine Warteliste verfügbar sein. Interssierte Käufer müssen mit einer Wartezeit von 4-8 Wochen rechnen. Die Presseerklärung von WDP:WDP staying busy in AprilAngel NewcomersWDP have announced even more teams moving to Angel for the ’05 Tournament Season. Colorado Shooters, one of the NPPL’s staple teams, captained by Suzie Steves, an Independent Fashion Designer, moved back to Angel and are now using the blisteringly quick Angel Speeds. They also bumped up to Semi Pro at the NPPL’s Huntington Beach event.Team Wicked, a Californian Powerhouse NPPL Div One team also switched to Speeds for ’05, and went on to win the Huntington Beach event in their first event with Angel. A phenomenal achievement.Chicago Torq, a new team captained by Pauly Ruffoni, made their NPPL debut with Angel, and seriously impressed their new sponsorsWDP’s Owen Ronayne said of their new acquisitions,“Angel is marker of choice for the discerning paintball team. Our teams know they will get the fastest guns in town, built to perform flawlessly and consistently, and top notch tech support. It’s a Revolution”Angel Airtime ArmorWDP’s Angel Airtime Apparel range has quickly become one of the most desirable high-end performance clothing collections in the game. Tough, stylish and engineered for the rigors and stresses exacted on today’s professional athletes, the Airtime range has gained a reputation of being ‘limited edition’, simply because WDP have struggled to keep up with demand.To expand the Airtime range for 2005 WDP have added Angel Airtime Armor, consisting of high specification elbow/forearm and knee/shin padding.Airtime ArmorAngel Armor represents a new level of protective thinking. Its extremely lightweight second skin design incorporates Ergo-creased vented bio-foam, which moulds to each individual wearer, without the heaviness and sweatiness of thick neoprene. Maximum legal padding is used throughout. Critical contact zones are double protected and locked into place with gripped elastic cuff-locks.Adjustability is achieved through TPR elasticated fit-straps and industrial strength stitching ensures your Angel Armor continues to protect you for many seasons to come.WDP have utilized an experimental lightweight approach pioneered in Extreme downhill sports. These advanced designs use maximum padding allowed under today’s rules, while remaining ‘bounce-friendly to keep you in the game for longer, so you can ‘do your thing’.Angel Airtime Armor is in stock at WDP’s European and US hubs now.G7 Waiting ListIt seems the Angel Revolution has hit new heights, as WDP have now announced a 2 month waiting list for their new baby, the Angel G7.The G7 was shown at the NPPL’s San Diego event last November, but not actually launched until HB05. The crowds around the WDP booth at the event were a testament to the desirability of the product.WDP’s Head of Sales, Owen Ronayne told us today;“We have incredible demand for the G7. It’s the finest Angel we’ve ever made. People are now expected to wait up to 4-8 weeks to get one, but it will be worth it for them. There’s nothing to touch it.Since 2003, when we introduced our low pressure engine, we have mainly changed out body-shapes, reducing weight, and added new electronic features. With the G7 95% of the changes are internal. Everything has been re-thought. Like I keep saying; It’s a Revolution!” To get on the waiting list or to order your Airtime Armor, contact:WDP USA – +1 714 536 9011WDP UK – +44 (0)121 328 [email protected]

PbStar: NPPL HB 2005 Clip 1

Filed under: Allgemein — Florian @ 16:45

Der Paintballstar hat ein erstes Video zum Huntington Beach Event online.

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