Die NPPL Super 7 Series veröffentlicht heute das Pro- und Hersteller Ranking nach dem ersten Event in Huntington Beach. Das Hersteller Ranking fasst die Ergebnisse der einzelnen Markiererhersteller zusammen, derzeit führt, wie man im Ranking erkennen kann, Planet Eclipse mit der EGO.[img]../newsimages/04ergebnisse/2005-03-24-nppl-2005-hb-proranking.gif[/img]
24. März 2005
23. März 2005
Millennium Series Regelwerk 5.0
Nach langem Warten hat die Millennium Series heute das Regelwerk für die Saison 2005 veröffentlicht.
Die Datei liegt im pdf-Format vor und der Adobe Acrobat (Reader) oder kompatibler Betrachter wird zum betrachten benötigt.
Warpig: A look at Rebound
[img]../newsimages/webnews2003/2005-03-23-title_rebound.jpg[/img]Bill Mills hat sich in einem Warpig Review ausführlich mit dem Rebound Mode der Smart Parts Markierer beschäftigt. Neben dem eigentlichen Review sind sehr interessante Messungen einer Nerve in allen Rebound Stufen in dem Artikel enthalten: Warpig: A look at Rebound
22. März 2005
Millenium Series – 15BPS CAP
Die Millenium Series hat die lange erwarteten Regelpassagen zur 15bps Begrenzung veröffentlicht. Grob zusammengefasst:Alle 65ms darf ein Ball den Lauf verlassen. Wird ein Spieler auf dem Feld mit weniger als 65ms zwischen zwei Bällen gemessen wird dieser Spieler für das weitere Turnier gesperrt und das Team bekommt das Spiel als Niederlage gewertet.Der genaue Regelwortlaut und die „Pre Game Inspection“ ist im folgenden detailiert beschrieben:MILLENNIUM SERIESEUROPEAN PAINTBALL CIRCUIT 2005PRESS RELEASE – 15BPS CAPValid from 22/03/05 – 31/12/05Millennium Series Rules 2005 – 15BPS Cap Press ReleaseFor reasons of safety and in an attempt to nullify the effects of ‘cheater’ boards in the Millennium Series it has been decided to introduce a 15 balls per second cap on rate of fire. Also the Millennium Series has decided to alter the pre game inspection for the 2005 season to give a more reliable and repeatable set of tests that judges can perform and players can replicate. This should lead to a faster, as well safer, pre game check in. Therefore the following changes will be made to the rules and will be enforced for the first event of the 2005 season – the Maxs Masters, Germany. The new rulebook will be released Thursday March 24th.Rate Of Fire CAP11. Markers11.01 Players may use a single .68 caliber semiautomatic paintball marker, which consists of a single barrel and a single trigger system. Double-action triggers are prohibited. Markers will be capped at 15 balls per second, defined as no two consecutive shot maybe timed shorter than 65ms apart, provided they shoot in semiautomatic or pump mode only defined as no more than one paintball is discharged for each trigger cycle. Shots to be stored up to 100ms after trigger pull and cancelled on the next trigger activation to allow guns to shoot at 15bps. Once the trigger is released only a single shot may be discharged thereafter.11.02 The definition of a trigger is the moveable lever or button that comes in contact with the finger. The contacts of a switch are not a trigger. The cycling of a trigger requires an exertion of force by the finger on the trigger and a release of force by the finger on the trigger for each trigger cycle.11.10 Any player who got caught during the game whose marker violates section 11 will be excluded from the remainder of the tournament and the player's team will forfeit the game during which this illegal marker was used, unless the player as such is without ill intent. The only way to prove no ill intention is to surrender immediately after the error occurred, but before it was detected by a referee.If the error is being detected before the start of the game but after the pre-game chronographing procedure, the game will be forfeited but the player won’t be suspendedPre Game Inspection19.03 The chronograph referee will take a player’s marker and inspect it for the following:1. Presence of foreign matter in the barrel, feed port or loader (hopper)2. Any device, part, item, adjustment or lack thereof which would enable a player to increase either the muzzle velocity of the marker or change the shooting mode on the game field without resorting to the use of tools19.04 After a marker passes the above inspection, such marker will then be checked for bounce, runaway and velocity (the “Rate of Fire Cap Test” will be made only during the game).19.05 Marker Checking Procedure- Mechanical Bounce Test – Markers will be tested for mechanical bounce by a bumping or jarring of the marker. Markers will be held by the rear of the main body and bumped on the tank or hopper. No contact will be made with the trigger. The marker will be deemed to have mechanical bounce if the marker fires during the bump test.- “Runaway Guns” Test – All markers will be checked for “runaway” triggers. The marker will be fired rapidly. The testing judge, while rapidly firing the marker will suddenly cease to pull the trigger. Any marker that continues to fire after a delay of 100 ms while the trigger is NOT being pulled will be deemed to be a “Runaway Gun” and will not be allowed on the field.- Marker Velocity Chronographing Test – All markers will be chronographed prior to going onto the field. The maximum muzzle velocity allowed will be 300 feet per second. Markers will be tested by firing over a radar chronograph.20. On Field Chronographing20.01 Chronographing on the field may be done at any time at the discretion of any Field Referee to determine if a marker’s muzzle velocity has risen above legal limits or the Rate of Fire Cap is being exceeded. Referees will seek to perform on field chronographing in a manner which least interferes with play.20.05 Players with markers, which shoot more than one paintball within 65ms will be eliminated from play and suspended from the ongoing tournament.AdministrationKarlijn van [email protected] CommitteeAndy Scutt, Joern Windler & Ulrich Stä[email protected]
Smart Parts Ion Video
Wie schnell man mit einer Smart Parts Ion schiessen kann zeigt dieses private Video.